Discuss the causes of the First World War.

by - January 26, 2022

Discuss the causes of the First World War.

Reasons for the First World War: -

Although apparent peace prevailed in world politics for the past few decades, especially between 1871 and 1914, on the eve of the First World War, a number of events prepared the ground for the First World War . That is why this period is called the "Age of Armed Peace". Multiple causes for the First World War - such as different treaties, different alliances, reactionary policies - make conflict inevitable. Various events that took place on the eve of the First World War are also responsible for this. The various causes of the First World War were -

1. Extremist nationalism: - For various reasons, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the European imperialist powers began to claim themselves as the best and adopted various reactionary policies to establish that claim. This fierce and narrow nationalism can be seen in almost every country in Europe, even in Russia, Japan, etc. Thus hatred and enmity towards each other and racial animosity form the background of the world war.

2. Dissatisfied Nationalism: - The French Revolution gave birth to three new ideals - equality, fraternity and independence. With the spread of this new ideology came the spread of nationalism in every nation. But the Vienna Conference became an obstacle to the spread of this new ideology. As a result, the sense of nationalism and desire for independence of different nations remained unsatisfied. This dissatisfied nationalism manifested itself on the eve of the First World War.

3. Mutual Opposition Coalition: - Mutual power alliance formed on the eve of the First World War was one of the reasons for the First World War. The forces of the whole world were divided into two, mainly through two opposing camps.
(A) Triple Alliance. The alliance was formed between Germany, Austria and Italy at the initiative of German Prime Minister Bismarck. The main purpose of this alliance was to keep France down.
(B) The second alliance was Triple Entente . England, France and Russia formed that alliance . This alliance was formed as an opponent of the Triple Alliance .
These two alliances make the First World War inevitable.

4. Balkan nationalism: - During the rule of the Ottoman Turks in the Balkan region of Eastern Europe, various nations of the Balkan region became eager for independence. The Treaty of Berlin forcibly annexed the province of Bosnia to Austria. But the Bosnian ethnic Serb wanted to join Serbia. In protest, a fierce nationalist movement against Austria began in Bosnia.

5. Military competition: - On the eve of the First World War, almost every country in Europe turned into an arms factory. Military education is made compulsory in every country. The majority share of the national income is spent on weapons. It creates a atmosphere of fear when each country builds more weapons .  This fear has made the European powers more and more involved in the arms race.

6. Economic Competition: - At the very beginning of the twentieth century, Britain realized that Germany was far ahead of Britain in terms of industry and commerce. As a result, economic competition between Britain and Germany intensified. Britain's interests in the North Sea and the English Channel could be jeopardized by the rapid growth of Germany's naval power. As a result, the dispute between the two countries escalated.

7. The Role of German Imperialism: - In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Germany realized that France and Britain had established rights over all the important colonies of the world. As a result, France and Britain became determined to resist Germany if Germany wanted to spread imperialism by adopting Welt political policy, and the formation of an opposition alliance began.

8. Commercial and Colonial Conflict: - The commercial and colonial conflict between the European powers started long before the First World War. At the root of this conflict were market occupation, expansion of trade and expansion of colonial domination. Even the industrialized nations engaged in colonial competition for cheap raw materials. In this situation, the conflict between England, France, Russia with Germany and Italy became inevitable.

9. Role of kaiser William II : - William II was the architect of the whole of Europe which became an arms factory. William II effectively used the population of about 56 million Germans to increase his military might. The alliance with Austria led to an unexpected increase in German military power. On the other hand, he created a war situation in Europe by making the navy much stronger than before. He also repeatedly rejected Britain's offer of disarmament for peace.

10. Role of Rumors and Newspapers: - News spread by some rumors and newspapers on the eve of the First World War is indirectly responsible for the war. Various false, distorted and provocative news created an atmosphere of mutual intolerance in Europe. This kind of news after the assassination of Serajevo makes the situation favorable for war.

Direct cause: Sergeevo assassination: -

Prince Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophia were on a visit to Bosnia when they were killed by a Bosnian revolutionary student in the town of Serajevo on 28 June 1914. Austria sent an ultimatum blaming Serbia for the incident. But Serbia refuses to comply with any demands that its sovereignty be compromised, and offers to negotiate. But already Austria invaded the Serbian capital Belgrade on 28 July. With this attack, various forces took part in the war by participating in each other's allied camps. As a result, the world war started.

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