Merit and demerits of the federal government.

by - February 17, 2022

Advantages and disadvantages of the federal government.

Merit and demerits of the federal government.

Benefits or merits of the Federal Government: -

1. Coordination of national and regional interests: - It is possible for the federal government to coordinate national unity and interests with regional independence and interest. Fulfilling national interests through a strong central government and fulfilling regional interests through provincial governments and addressing local issues through local autonomous bodies - etc. result in reconciliation between national unity and regional and local interests.

2. Advantages of the policy of decentralization of power: - The decentralization of power in the federal system has resulted in the division of power between the governments of the various states and the local autonomous bodies, not just under one government. As a result, it is possible to build effective governance in all areas and to solve various problems appropriately.

3. Protecting regional independence and interests : - Federal governments play an important role in protecting regional independence and interests. Due to the decentralization of power to the federal government, regional governments enjoy considerable independence and power through their constitutional powers. As a result, the provincial governments can discharge their responsibilities and duties independently in the protection of regional independence and interests.

4. Control over the authority of the bureaucracy: - In the federal system, the bureaucracy is under the direct control of the administrative department. As a result, it is not possible for the bureaucracy to establish authority over the entire system of governance. In the federal system of government, a parallel system of government with the people's representatives developed along with the bureaucracy. As a result, it is possible to solve the problems and grievances of the people through the people's representatives.

5. Development of political consciousness: - The federal government is always helpful in developing political consciousness. In the federal system, common people can participate directly in government and administration. As a result, the political consciousness of the people increased. The massive involvement of the common man in the regional autonomous bodies raises the level of their political consciousness.

6. Increase in administrative excellence: - Administrative excellence is seen to increase in the federal system. The central government on the one hand and the state government and local autonomous bodies on the other - each has different responsibilities and duties assigned or listed in the constitution. In order to fulfill all these responsibilities and duties, every part of the federal government, namely the central, state and local self-governing bodies, has to fulfill its responsibilities properly. Since their responsibilities and duties are listed in the constitution, the question of avoiding duties does not exist. As a result, their efficiency and excellence in administrative matters increased.

7. Establishing unity in diversity: - In this case, the federal government achieves unity in diversity. The federal system is more common in countries with large populations. A country with a large and huge population can be seen in all aspects of politics, economy, culture, etc. The federal government has been instrumental in uniting all these differences.

8. Prevention of dictatorship: - The federal system is able to prevent dictatorial behavior in the administrative field. Since the decentralization of power is recognized in the federal system, the central, state, and local autonomous bodies all enjoy constitutional powers. So there is very little chance of any government or governing body being dictatorial. In the federal system, every government is forced to refrain from abusing its power to increase its powers as it sees fit. Even if the central government or any other government adopts dictatorship, the court can take action against it.

9. Excellence and Democracy in Legislation: - Some special features can be observed in the federal system of legislation. In federal governments, the legislature has the upper hand in law-making. But this power is not limited to the central government legislature. The power to make laws is also vested in the hands of the state legislatures. The benefits of various types of experiments, research, etc. can be enjoyed with any law.

10. Suitable for a large state: - In a large state, of course, the federal government is desirable. Because if all the powers of a large state are in the hands of a single unitary government, it will not be able to manage the governance system of a large state efficiently. There are also variations in the population, culture, politics, etc. of a large state. Unitary government alone is not able to govern efficiently in this diverse environment. So the federal government is certainly desirable in the large states.

Demerits or disadvantages of the federal government. 

1. Weaknesses in the system of governance: - Since the decentralization of power is recognized in the federal system of government, the federal governments are considered to be weaker than the unitary government. In this system, the central government does not have all the power - it is divided between the various states and local autonomous bodies. In the federal system, conflicts between the center-state, one state with multiple states, and local autonomous bodies are often observed. As a result, federal governments are weaker than unitary governments.

2. Complexity in the implementation of international policy: - The central government is not able to formulate policies in the international interest without the support of the states. As the federal system prevails in a large state, different states operate administrative systems based on different programs and ideologies. It is difficult to reconcile these different principles and ideology. So there are complications in the administrative field. If the central norms and programs are not coordinated with the norms and programs of the states, it has a profound effect on the formulation of international policy.

3. Possibility of Center-State Dispute: - In the federal system, the division of power by the Constitution creates the possibility of easy conflict between the Center and the States. Disagreements between the center and the states endanger the interests of the states and in many cases the center is dependent on the states. As a result, the interests of the Center are also endangered in the Center-State disagreement.

4. Not suitable for variability: - In the federal system, the constitution is quite unchangeable. Therefore, it is not possible to change the constitution quickly with the changes in various fields like administrative, political, socio-cultural etc. The inconsistency of the constitution complicates the federal system. Different parties are in power in the central and state governments, which easily leads to disagreements between them. This disagreement hinders the fulfillment and progress of the interests of the state and the nation.

5. Dominance of the court: - In the federal system, the constitution and the supremacy of the court are found. The only source of all power is the constitution. Therefore, the court can judge the validity of various directives made by the legislature and the administration .The court may, if it so desires, declare any law or instruction invalid. This created complications in the administrative field.

6. Not suitable for crisis situations: - Federal measures are not desirable in any emergency or crisis situation. Quick decisions need to be made in any emergency or crisis situation. But the distribution of power in the federal system makes it impossible to make quick decisions and take urgent action in most cases. Therefore, the federal system is not compatible with emergency situations.

7. More power in the hands of the center: - In the federal system, power is vested in the central and state governments by the constitution, but most of the power is vested in the central government. The central government has more rights and powers than the state government. So the state governments are forced to depend on the center. This dependence hinders the pace of development of the state and in many cases causes central and state conflicts.

8. Contributes to the emergence of provincialism: - Narrowness, provincialism, separatism, etc. can easily develop in the federal system. If the central government has been indifferent to a particular state or region for a long time, or if the specific demands of that state or region are not met for a long time, then regionalism, provincialism, etc. will easily emerge in the federal system.

9. Administrative slowness: - The federal system is slower than the unitary system. Negotiations in different cases initiate disputes between the Center and the States in different ways while making decisions. As a result, such issues slow down the federal system.

10. Expensive: - The federal system is very expensive. Central governments on the one hand and different state governments for each state on the other, as well as local autonomous bodies - all these institutions cost a lot more than a unitary system of governance. Also a huge amount of money is spent on the election .

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