Discuss the relationship between education and philosophy.

by - December 02, 2022

Discuss the relationship between education and philosophy.

Relationship between education and philosophy.

How Education and Philosophy related with each - other ? 

Relation between education and philosophy.  

In the modern sense, education is interpreted as a scientific process. The special branch of knowledge to discuss education is Education. Philosophy, on the other hand, is the tendency to search for the eternal truth of the universe. The English word Philosophy is formed from the combination of two Greek words. The word Philos means love or attraction and the word Sophia means wisdom. So the word Philosophy means addiction to knowledge. Ideologically it can be said that philosophy is the continuous effort of man to discover the truth.

Adams described education as the dynamic aspect of philosophy.
Fichte said, the art of education will never attain complete clarity in itself without Philosophy.
Educator Ross says all questions of education ultimately become questions of philosophy.
According to John Dewey, philosophy is a novel theory of education that has very general features.

Educator Ross explains the relationship between education and philosophy – ''Philosophy and Education are the two sides of a coin, the former is contemplative side and the letter is the active side'' 

In fact, basic functional principles and theories are needed to guide the course of human life. If these basic principles and theories are well-thought, well-planned and well-tested, then human life progresses on the path of welfare. The task of philosophy is to provide these basic principles and theories. Again, education is needed to implement the principles and theories given by philosophy. So the relationship between philosophy and education is very close. Education is actually the practical aspect of philosophy.

Aims of education and role of Philosophy :- 
At the core of every educational goal is a philosophy. That is, at any time, in any country, the setting of educational goals is bound to be influenced by philosophical thought. Philosophers, as a result of their judgment and thought, set certain extreme values ​​for human life. These values ​​later became the goal of education in the society of that time. Philosophical thinking thus influences the task of setting educational goals.
So Professor Nunn said - Every scheme of education, being at bottom a practical philosophy, necessarily touches life at every point.

Curriculum and Philosophy:-
After determining the goal of education, it is necessary to select the curriculum. Curriculum is only a means to reach the goal of education. Since the goals of education are determined by philosophical ideals, the kinds of experiences that will be included in the curriculum for students are also determined by philosophical values.

Eminent educationist Briggs says that curriculum design can be considered as applied philosophy. Philosophers influence curriculum design through their ideals and philosophical values.

Textbook and philosophy:-
Standard textbooks are an essential part of modern education. Textbooks cover essential content for learning. Hence, textbooks are also considered as an effective means of achieving educational goals. Principles and values ​​are needed to construct ideal textbooks. Pedagogy helps in determining these ideals of textbooks.
Philosophers have said that the ideal textbook would present contemporary lifestyles to students. The different ideologies that different philosophers have propagated about textbooks at different times have indirectly influenced the textbooks and education systems of different countries. Therefore, modern educationists think that the influence of philosophy on the composition and selection of textbooks in the field of education is present.

Teaching Methodology and Philosophy:-
Teaching methods are an effective part of education. The means or techniques by which learning objectives are achieved are generally called teaching methods. This method is also influenced by philosophy. Every educational method that is discussed today is influenced by some philosophy of life.
For example - (1) Individualistic teaching method is based on naturalism philosophy.
(2) The modern work-centred approach originated from the utilitarism philosophy.
(3) The project method originated from pragmatist philosophy.
Thus, different teaching methods have emerged from different philosophical schools of thought.

Role of teacher in education and Philosophy:-
An important component of education is the teacher. He is the center of the entire educational system. Therefore, education is also affected by the ideals on which the teacher's life is based. So it is desirable to have certain qualities of an ideal teacher. Philosophy determines what this quality of teacher will be. Moreover, the role and duties of the teacher in the field of education are determined by the philosophy of education. For example - (1) According to the Prophetic philosophers, the teacher will control the behavior of the students by performing the role of guardian in the school.
(2) According to the utilitarian philosophers, the role of the teacher will be limited to the role of facilitator.
Thus the teacher's personal characteristics, responsibilities, his role in education - etc. are all determined by philosophers.

Evaluation Methodology and Philosophy:-
The purpose of assessment and evaluation is to judge academic achievement. The purpose of assessment is to judge the extent to which educational goals have been progressed as a result of the overall activation of all elements – the particular teaching method, the curriculum, the teacher. This measure of overall progress towards learning goals is called assessment. Since this assessment is done in terms of goals, it is also influenced by philosophy. Again, since the goal of education is based on philosophical ideals, evaluation also becomes significant in judging that ideal. Philosophy therefore indirectly influences the process of educational evaluation.

Conclusion :-
The influence of philosophy on education is not an isolated phenomenon. The impact of philosophy on both theoretical and practical aspects of education is immense. Life process and learning are never separate. None of these can proceed without ideals. Both education and philosophy are theoretical analysts of individualistic life. And the life-centered application of philosophy is education. Eminent academic Adams says – ‘’Education is the dynamic side of philosophy. "

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