Importance and benefits of Pranayama.

by - April 08, 2023

Importance and benefits of Pranayama. 

Discuss the benefits of Pranayama.

Importance and benefits of Pranayama. 

The control of life ( breathing ) is Pranayama. The unbreakable relationship of life and death with man at every moment is through the connection of life or breathing. In Sanskrit the word 'jeevan' is derived from 'jiva’ or ‘prandharan' ; And the word 'death' is formed from 'mrityu'. By pranayama it is possible to remove all the defects of the senses and the mind. The yogi should remove rajaguna by asana, papanivrtti by pranayama and mental disorders by withdrawal. The relationship between prana and mind is very close. When prana ceases, the mind becomes concentrated on its own.

Pranayama thins the veil of evil avidya (ignorance) and klesha-rupa (suffering) tamas on the mind. Conception (concentration) in a purified mind becomes spontaneous, and the development of yoga by concept leads to steady state meditation and samadhi. By Yogasana we remove the distortions of the gross body. Pranayama has a greater effect on the subtle body than yoga. Special effects of pranayama can be observed not only on the subtle body but also on the gross body. Our body is also closely related to the health of the lungs, liver and brain.

In essence, pranayama is a system of breathing exercises that strengthen the lungs, improve blood circulation, and promote health and longevity. According to physiology, the two lungs of the human body are the breathing apparatus, in which the filled air reaches all the organs of the body and provides oxygen and expels the carbon dioxide produced from different organs. If this function continues properly, the lungs become strong and the blood purification function continues.

Often, most people are not used to taking deep breaths, so that only one-fourth of their lungs are active, while the remaining three-fourths are inactive. A bee's hive -like lungs contain about 73 million sponge-like cells. If you take a normal light breath, oxygen circulates in about two million holes in them, the remaining five million and thirty lakhs holes remain inactive due to lack of airflow. As a result, inert and fecal matter accumulates in them, causing the person to develop TB. , Cough, Bronchitis etc. and other terrible diseases.

This type of lung dysfunction affects blood purification. The heart weakens and premature death occurs as a result. In this situation the importance of Pranayama for the longevity of the individual is significant. This is why pranayama is included as an essential feature in Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism, ‘Shubh Karya’ holy works and the daily practice of evening worship. Anxiety, worry, anger, depression, fear and sensuality can be easily resolved by pranayama. Not only this, by increasing the brain power, mental qualities like memory, intelligence, foresight, sharp observation, perception, intellect, etc., can be lived longer and attain the real joy of life through pranayama.

A person practicing pranayama reduces the use of his breath, thus he lives longer. Also in this creation the animal that breathes less , may live longer. Although different rules of pranayama are described in the scriptures and each pranayama has its own specialty; However, one cannot practice all pranayama every day. If one can practice Pranayama fully, the benefits one will get are –

1. Pranayama can cure Vata, pitta and kapha.

2. The digestive system becomes completely healthy and all types of stomach diseases are eliminated.

3. All diseases related to heart and lungs and brain are removed.

4. Obesity, diabetes, cholesterol, constipation, gas, acidity, respiratory diseases, allergies, migraines, blood pressure, kidney diseases, all sexual diseases of men and women - etc., from common diseases to terrible diseases like cancer are eliminated.

5. The immune system of the body increases.

6. Protects from hereditary diabetes and heart disease etc.

7. Immunity is created from hair loss and graying, facial skin folds, eyeball disorders, memory loss etc.

8. The mind becomes calm, stable, happy and uplifted, thus getting rid of depression.

9. All diseases and vices of lust, anger, greed, infatuation, pride etc. of the gross and subtle body are destroyed.

10. All body disorders, toxins - etc. are destroyed.

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