Discuss the importance of Pavlov's Classical Conditioning Theory in learning.

by - March 31, 2024

Discuss the importance of Pavlov's Classical Conditioning Theory in learning.

Importance or significance of Pavlov's Classical Conditioning Theory in Education.

Importance of Pavlov's Classical Conditioning Theory in learning.

Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning Theory can be used for the learning of human children and a few animals. The educational implications of this theory are –

1. Language learning:-
Classical Conditioning Theory plays a special role in children's language learning. When teaching language to a child, pointing to a particular object or person and repeating a particular word over and over again, that word becomes associated with the object and becomes meaningful to the child. That is, the word is added to the child's vocabulary. For example, if you point to a woman and say the word 'grandma' repeatedly, that woman becomes a grandmother to the child. The word grandmother was meaningless to the child before the proper conditioning occurred. But by repeatedly associating the word grandmother with the woman, the child imitates and the word grandmother becomes meaningful to the child.

2. Learning a child :-
The effect of Classical Conditioning Theory can be seen in the learning of the child, especially in the learning of letters, words, names etc.

3. Habit Formation :-
Classical Conditioning Theory has a special contribution to habit formation. For this reason, conditioning techniques are used to develop a habit in a child. The influence of Classical Conditioning Theory can also be observed in the formation of habits in adults.

4. Elimination of bad habits:-
Classical Conditioning techniques are used to eliminate undesirable habits such as spelling mistakes, pronunciation of vulgar words, punctuation errors etc.

5. Projective development:-
Classical Conditioning helps in visual development. Complex conflicts in human life are the result of conditioning. The prevalence of stimuli in agitation is due to classical conditioning.

6. Creating interest or disinterest in the child:-
In class learning - a student's interest or disinterest in various subjects is the result of Classical Conditioning . In many cases the likes and dislikes of a teacher are closely related to the subject he or she teaches. Teachers should be very careful about this.

7. Teacher's behavior and Classical Conditioning :-
Respect, love, fear, hate etc. for the teachers, their behavior, clothes, habits etc. are followed by the students. The behavior, habits, behavior of the teachers in or outside the classroom should be such that appropriate habits can be developed in the students through Classical Conditioning .

8. Behavioral changes:-
The Classical Conditioning Theory can be used to modify a child's behavior to guide him or her toward desirable and acceptable behaviors. If the child refrains from the daily habits such as bathing, brushing teeth, sitting to read, etc., then the child's behavior can be changed very easily by applying the Classical Conditioning Theory .

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