Discuss the various terms of the Treaty of Versailles.

by - January 28, 2022

Discuss the various terms of the Treaty of Versailles.

Various terms of the Treaty of Versailles.

The Treaty of Versailles was signed on 28 June 1919 between the victorious Allies and the defeated Germany. One of the most controversial treaties in international history was the Treaty of Versailles. The Treaty of Versailles was criticized as one of the most responsible causes of World War II. The reasons for the controversy over the Treaty of Versailles were rooted in its terms. However, the Treaty of Versailles was especially important in establishing peace in the troubled Europe and in rebuilding Europe. The Treaty of Versailles had different terms -

1. Terms for the Reconstruction of Europe: -
(i) Alsas and Lorraine were extradited to France.
(ii) Monserrat, Malmedi and Eupen - handed over to Belgium.
(iii) The Schleswig region was given to Denmark.
(iv) The ports of Danzig and Mesel were seized from Germany and opened for public use.
(v) France's possession of the mining-rich territories of Germany was established for 15 years.
(vi) The German colonies in Asia and Africa were divided among the victorious powers.
(vii) International control over the Rhine, Danube and other rivers of Germany was established.
(viii) The "Polish Corridor" was built through Germany.
(ix) A security fence was erected in the area adjacent to France in West Germany in the interests of French security.
(x) Poland is declared an independent state.
(xi) All political rights of Germany are taken away in the international arena.
(xii) The North Schleswig is annexed to Denmark and the South Schleswig to Germany by referendum.

2. Different economic conditions: -
(i) Germany alone was blamed for the war and was burdened with huge sums of money. The amount of this compensation was about 600 million pounds.
(ii) France's right to the coal-rich region of Germany was established for 15 years.
(iii) Money and resources were collected from Germany in various ways through the formation of the "Compensation Commission".
(iv) The rights of France and England were established in the rich ports of Germany.
(v) Germany will be obliged to supply iron ore and other minerals to France, Italy and Luxembourg for 10 years.
(vi) Allied products are preferred to be sold in Germany.
(vi) Various important waterways of Germany were brought under international control.
(vii) Various German merchant ships were delivered to France.
(viii) Special trade rights of Germany were revoked in other countries.

3. Military Terms: -
(i) The main purpose of the military terms of the Treaty of Versailles was to weaken German military power.
(ii) The German army was disbanded.
(iii) Germany was allowed to have one lakh volunteers and these volunteer forces can be used only for maintaining internal peace and order.
(iv) The use of German military aircraft was prohibited.
(v) The number of German fleets was greatly reduced.
(vi) The forts of Haligoland were destroyed.
(vi) German troops are withdrawn from the eastern part of the Rhine.
(vii) Kaiser William II and all German generals were dismissed.
(viii) An Allied force is deployed in Germany at German expense to comply with the terms of the treaty.

4. Legal Conditions: Article 213 of the Treaty of Versailles provides for the punishment of war criminals. According to this section, Kaiser William II and other generals were directly responsible for the war. But when Kaiser took shelter in Holland, he could no longer be tried. The Versailles Treaty also includes provisions relating to various UN laws.

Finally, scholars of international relations call the Treaty of Versailles a coercive treaty. In fact, defeated Germany had no choice but to accept all the terms of the treaty. A vindictive attitude towards Germany can be observed among the framers of the terms of the treaty. One of the causes of World War II was rooted in this attempt to cripple Germany.

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