Declaration of the Rights of Man and citizen. 1789

by - February 04, 2022

"Declaration of the rights of individuals and citizens 1789 " by the French Constituent Assembly.

Write a short note on '' Declaration of the Rights of Man and citizen. 1789 '' 

The French Constituent Assembly proclaimed the "Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen" on August 26, 1789. Lefebvre said  "The Declaration unfolds the mythical character of the French Revolution." There are three main elements to that declaration (i) John Locke and Rousseau's theory, (ii) The Declaration of American Independence, and (iii) natural law. The Declaration can also be compared to the Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights in England. 

The main points of the Declaration of the Rights of Individuals and Citizens were: -

The main points of the Declaration of the Rights of Individuals and Citizens were:
(i) Everyone has the right to freedom and equality.
(ii) Every citizen shall have the right to property, the right to life and security.
(iii) Everyone has equal rights before the law.
(iv) Everyone has the right to take part in any profession, government position and function.
(v) No person shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or punishment beyond the law.
(vi) Freedom of speech and the right to express one's opinion will be recognized as one of the human rights.
(vii) Every citizen has to pay tax as per law.
(viii) Every citizen shall have the right to freedom of religion.
(ix) Property may be forfeited only in the greater interest and with appropriate compensation.
(x) The sovereign power of the state is vested in the people - such an ideology was recognized.
(xi) The expression of the will of the public shall be deemed to be law.
(xii) The people shall have the right to govern the country through the election of representatives among them.

Importance of Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizens 1789 : -

The Declaration of the Rights of Individuals and Citizens, drafted by the French Constituent Assembly, was a document of high ideals. This declaration played an important role in the political history of the whole world. This declaration ushered in a new era with the death of the old system. Regarding the importance of the Declaration, Lord Acton said that the Declaration  was stronger than Napoleon's entire army. By this declaration, France had become the mouthpiece of all mankind.

Through this Declaration the oppressed peoples of Europe found a new right to freedom. Historian Aulurd says: "The Declaration was a death certificate of the Old Regime." In conclusion, all the declarations made in the Declaration of the Rights of Individuals and Citizens form the basis for the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens in the modern world.

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