Difference between Unitary and Federal Government.

by - February 22, 2022

Comparative study of Unitary and Federal political systems .

Distinction or difference between Unitary and Federal Government. 

In a unitary system of governance, the central government is in control. Although there is a government for the states, they are run under the central government. Great Britain, France, New Zealand - etc. the existence of a monolithic government can be noticed. On the other hand, in the case of the federal government, decentralization of power occurs. In this type of governance, power is divided between the central and state governments by the constitution. Although the central government has more power, the state governments are not subordinate to the central government and they can govern independently according to the powers given by the constitution. The differences between the unitary and federal governments are as follows: -

1. Differences in the nature of government: - All the powers of the unitary government are vested in a single central government. Although they form regional governments for administrative convenience, the regional governments operate under the central government and the existence of the regional governments depends on the will or reluctance of the central government. 
But in the case of the federal government, power is decentralized, and regional governments can govern independently on the basis of constitutional powers. In this case, the existence of regional governments does not depend on the central government.

2. Differences in the nature of constitution: - The constitution of a unitary state can be both written and unwritten. For example, the constitution of Great Britain is written but the constitution of France is unwritten. Since there is no distribution of power in the unitary system, there is no problem even if the constitution is unwritten. 
But in the federal system of government, the constitution must be written. Because if the constitution is not written, the distribution of power within the federal structure will not be possible. That is why the constitutions of India, USA and so on are written.

3. Differences in the variability of the constitution: - The constitution is easily changeable in the unitary states. The central government can change the constitution at its own convenience. 
But in the federal system of government, the constitution is hard to change. Changes to the constitution also require the consent of state or regional governments. The main purpose of such an arrangement is to safeguard regional interests.

4. Differences in the importance of the constitution: - The constitution is unimportant in a unitary  system. The government can easily change the constitution as it pleases. As a result, the unitary constitution is disrespectful. 
But in the federal system, the constitution has the highest status. All individuals, institutions, central and state governments - all have to abide by the provisions of the Constitution. The source of all power in the federal system is the constitution.

5. Differences in the importance of the courts: - In a unitary system of government, since the central government wields all the powers, the importance of unitary court is comparatively less. 
But in the federal system, the courts wield much more power. The federal court serves as the chief interpreter of the constitution. Laws that are inconsistent with the constitution may be declared invalid. Can resolve all types of disputes and acts as a defender of the fundamental rights of citizens.

6. Differences in citizenship: - In a unitary system, one-citizenship is generally recognized and in the federal system, dual-citizenship is recognized. In the United States, for example, dual citizenship is recognized. But exceptions can be noticed. For example, even though India is a federal nation, single citizenship is recognized here.

7. Differences in the existential aspects of the constitution of a state: - There is usually only one constitution in a unitary system of government. There is no separate constitution for the states. But in the federal system , there are many separate constitutions for their states. However, separate constitutions for the states have to be drafted in accordance with the central constitution.

8. Differences regarding regional interests: - Regional interests are likely to be neglected in a unitary system of governance. All power is vested in the central government . It can harm regional interests. 
But under federal governance, regional governments can also independently determine the way they operate and policy. As a result, regional interests are guaranteed in the federal system.

In conclusion, the history, political status, customs, traditions, public opinion, culture, etc. of a country depends on the type of governance that will be introduced in that country.
However, in the current political system of the world, the federal system is prevalent in large countries. Such as - India and the United States. Again, despite China being a large country, no federal measures have been taken there.

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