Execution of Louis XVI and reaction in Europe.

by - February 09, 2022

Execution of Louis XVI and reaction in Europe. 

Progress of the French Revolution: Execution of Louis XVI.

After the convening of the General Assembly by the French Emperor Louis XVI ,  the French Revolution since then has been eventful. After the fall of the monarchy in France, the administration of France began to be governed by the national conference. There were two main political parties at the National Conference - Jacobin and Girondins. The Girandists had a majority in the National Conference and had influence in the provinces. But in spite of that the Girondists were weak. However, the Jacobins were in favor of the king's death penalty but the Girondists were in favor of leaving the matter of the king's execution to a referendum.

Charges against Louis XVI: -
Some of the main allegations against Louis XVI of France were:
1. Louis XVI assisted the fugitive royal elites who fled abroad from France.
2. Louis XVI tried to repeal the new constitution, which was drafted by a national conference led by the third estate.
3. Louis XVI failed miserably in controlling and reforming the French army, and the aristocracy used this opportunity to inflict severe oppression and exploitation on the people of the Third estate.
4. Louis XVI, in conjunction with other European monarchies, seeks to destroy the revolution.

The trial of Louis XVI: -
The Girandist party was not in favor of the king's death sentence, they were in favor of leaving the matter to the referendum. But the Jacobins strongly questioned the king's execution. The National Convention then imprisoned Louis XVI in "Temple" prison, accusing him of conspiring with the foreign powers.

Execution of Louis XVI: -
Then there was the fierce rivalry between Jacobin and Girondins over the punishment of Louis XVI at the National Conference. The extreme-left Jacobins were adamant about the execution of Louis XVI. The issue of the king's execution was then decided on the basis of a vote among the delegates to the National Assembly. The French emperor Louis XVI was finally beheaded by a guillotine on January 21, 1793.

Reaction to the death sentence of Louis XVI: -

The execution of Louis XVI on January 21, 1793, created an atmosphere of panic throughout Europe. There was a strong reaction in the monarchical states of Europe.

1. With the execution of Louis XVI, the revolutionaries began to propagate the ideals of equality, fraternity and liberty throughout Europe. As a result, fear spread in the monarchical states of Europe.

2. The monarchical states of Europe felt that the existence of monarchies throughout Europe would be in jeopardy if the French Revolution could not be destroyed immediately.

3. Based on this idea, the royalist states of Europe formed the first alliance against France and declared war against France.

4. Monarchical states such as England, Holland, Austria, Prussia, Sardinia, Spain, etc. formed strong alliances against France.

5. When France attacked this power alliance, they were sadly defeated by the power alliance.

6. After the tragic defeat in foreign affairs, France was facing extreme protests at home as well. An unprecedented situation arose in France when the proponents of the monarchy vehemently opposed France's domestic and foreign policy.

In this situation, Jacobin's party leaders realized the need for immediate national unity in order to defend the revolution and the newly established republic in France. In order to establish national unity, it was necessary to impose a regime of terror everywhere. This idea led to the beginning of the Jacobin-led terrorist regime in France - a turning point in the history of France and Europe as a whole. 

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