The fall of Bastille and its importance: -

by - February 08, 2022

The fall of Bastille and its importance: -

Fall of Bastille: -

Background: - The fall of Bastille was a significant event during the French Revolution. The events leading up to the fall of the Bastille were extremely dynamic and conducive to revolution. After the tennis court oath on June 20, 1789, the third estate took the leadership of the French nation, completely denying the existence of the first two communities, the clergies and the aristocracy. After that incident , Louis XVI recognized some of the rights of the people in a proclamation dated 23rd June.

Third-estate victory in the National Assembly: - However, Louis XVI declared the National Assembly illegal, ordering the three classes of the House of Representatives, namely the clergies , the aristocracy and the third estate, to meet separately. In the wake of this, the third community or the middle class people started protesting. As a result, the third estate succeeded in the National Assembly and finally on June 27, the king Louis XVI agreed to the demand of the third estate to join together.

Crisis situation in French Society : - Since then an unprecedented situation has arisen in Paris. Deterioration of agriculture, food crisis, financial crisis, severe cold, etc. - all the patience of the common people was broken. Famine-stricken people began to gather in groups in the city of Paris. As a result, exasperation spread throughout Paris. Protesters were looting bread shops and factories in Paris. 

The Paris Rebellion: - Then the situation became more complicated when King Louis XVI adopted a reactionary policy. When Louis XVI engaged Germans, Swiss foreign armies, the agitating masses began to put up strong resistance. Workers, peasants and laborers started a fierce movement demanding food. In the meantime, the agitators became violent when Louis XVI ousted Necker . The people of Paris set up barricades on every street in Paris to resist the king's army.

The fall of the Bastille: A total of 40 customs stations were destroyed in and around Paris. Looting was carried out in different monasteries. Excited mobs looted firearms shops and factories in Paris. Rumors were already circulating that the Bastille fort had a large stockpile of weapons. With this in mind, the agitated people of Paris attacked the Bastille on 14 July. The Bastille was attacked, all weapons were looted, all the prisoners were released, the governor of the Bastille, Dilun, and all the guards were killed.

Significance / Historical Significance of Bastille Fall: -

The fall of the Bastille was a significant event in the history of the French Revolution. The fall of the monarchy began with the fall of the Bastille, a symbol of authoritarian monarchy. As news of the fall of the Bastille spread, anti-monarchy movements began throughout France. Historian Goodwin discusses the historical significance of the fall of Bastille - ‘’ No other single event of the Revolution had so many - sided and far - reaching results as the fall of Bastille. ‘’ The significance or historical significance of the fall of Bastille is -

1. Realizing the protests, Louis XVI re-appointed Necker as finance minister.
2. The army was withdrawn from Paris.
3. As news of the fall of the Bastille spread throughout France, anti-monarchy movements began throughout France.
4. The fall of the Bastille, a symbol of authoritarian monarchy, foreshadowed the fall of the monarchy.
5. Louis XVI was forced to recognize the National Assembly.
6. The diplomatic and political dominance of the aristocracy in the royal court was destroyed.
7. Feudalism collapsed in the face of strong peasant protests.
8. The people of Paris started a municipal revolution in Paris and decentralization of administrative power took place.
9. A group of aristocrats led by Countd 'Artois left the country.
10. The message of equality, fraternity and liberty was spread all over the world.

Historian Goodwin says: "The fall of the Bastille marked the beginning of independence for the whole world. ''

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