The difference between state and government.

by - April 06, 2022

The difference between state and government.

The contrast between the state and the government.

Comparative discussion of state and government.

Differences between state and government: -

1. Government is an element of the state: -
The concept of state and government is not synonymous; Government is just an element of the state. The state is a whole entity, but the government is a special part of the state. Therefore, in terms of scope and extent, government and state are never synonymous.

2. Differences in the question of existence: -
There is no government except the state. The government is an agency of the state. On the other hand, the existence of the state is possible without the government.

3. Differences in demographics: -
The entire population belongs to the state. But the government is made up of a small part of the population.

4. Differences in the question of embodiment: -
The state is an abstract matter - a matter of imagination or emotion. But the idea of ​​government is tangible and through the government the abstract replica of the state becomes a tangible entity.

5. Differences in the question of opposition of citizens: -
The citizens of the state can never declare rebellion against the state. Declaring rebellion against the state means treason. But the people can easily declare rebellion against the government, overthrow the government if necessary and form a new government, and demand judicial action against the government.

6. Differences in policy implementation : -
The state is an abstract entity. Therefore, the state can never formulate policy and implement it. But the government can formulate and implement policies according to the hopes and aspirations of the people and the needs of the state.

7. Differences in the question of sovereignty: -
The state is the ultimate sovereign entity; But the sovereignty of the government is limited by the constitution. In this case, the government acts as the representative of the state. The government exercises limited sovereign powers in accordance with the constitution of the state. Here the state is the main body and the government is subordinate to it.

8. Differences in the question of sustainability: -
State is permanent; It usually does not change. But the government is changeable. Different governments at different times gain the right to run the state; But this did not lead to any significant change in the state. So the state is permanent, but the government is changeable.

9. Structural differences: -
In terms of structural features, all the states have the same structural features. But different countries may have different types of government. Such as - unitary government, federal government, presidential government, cabinet government - etc and the different types of governments have different features. 

10. Differences in biological theory: -
Many political scientists liken the state to an organism. In this case the state is an organism and the government is its brain. In this case both are dependent on each other. Just as the brain does not exist without the body, so the existence of the body without the brain is meaningless. In the same way, there is no government without the state, and without the government the existence of the state is meaningless.

11. Characteristic differences: -
The main features of the state are four. Namely - specific territory, specific population, government and sovereignty. On the other hand, there are no specific characteristics of the government - in different countries, different types of government may have different characteristics. For example, the characteristics of the federal and unitary governments are different. But the characteristics of the state are one and the same in all respects.

12. Ideological differences: -
Every government has certain norms. The government builds on that ideology and tries to implement it. The state ideology takes shape through the government.

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