Definition , features and importance of Primary Groups.

by - March 11, 2023

Definition , features and importance of Primary Groups.

Concept and definition of primary group:-

Features / Characteristics of primary group:-

Importance of Primary Group :-

[ A ] . Concept and definition of primary group:-

The concept of primary group can be seen as an important work in the thought of American sociologist Charles Horton Cooley. Primary groups exist in every society. The primary group is conceptualized as the nucleus of all organizations. Professor Cooley uses this primary group word in his classification of social groups. He used it in his book ‘Social Organization.’

A primary group is a group based on face-to-face relationships, mutual cooperation and companionship among its members. Intermingled in such relationships is closeness - intimacy. This intimacy instills a deep "we sense" among its members. This we feel is the identity of the primary group's single and integral characteristics.

That is, the primary group is a collection of face-to-face identity members , it is called a face-to-face group because the members have this face-to-face relationship.

Cooley emphasized three main points in the case of primary groups. These are –
1. face-to-face interaction of members,
2. Cooperation relationship and
3. we feel
He also talks about emotions of loyalty, identity determination, friendships etc.

Incidentally, Bottomer's term "main group" is synonymous with the primary group. Primary or face-to-face groups are based on direct personal relationships, in which members use direct rituals with each other. He also said that primary or face-to-face groups, whether short-lived or permanent, are the most effective means of socialization and the basic element of social organization. Such groups include family, playmates, playgroups, intimate groups.

[ B ] . Features / Characteristics of primary group:-

1. Primary Relationship :- The essential aspect of primary group is the direct or face-to-face relationship of its members. Direct communication establishes the primary relationship between primary group members. This relationship is usually one and the same.

2. Consistency of Objectives :- Objectives and attitudes of members of the primary group are more or less uniform and homogenous. Members strive collectively to achieve this common goal. According to Professor Kingsley Davies, the objective similarity of the primary group members creates a psychological unity of personality within the group.

3. Selfishness of Relationships :- Primary group members do not have any self-interest in their relationships. This relationship is not based on any financial gain or loss. Self-interest or the pursuit of one's own goals does not exist in such relationships. The true love relationship of husband and wife is one of the examples of this primary relationship.

4. Personal Relations :- The mutual relations of the members of the primary group are purely personal in nature. This relationship is not bound by any regulations. These relationships contain the necessary ingredients for the unfolding of interpersonal tenderness.

5. Depth of Relationship :- The relationship between the primary group members is quite deep. As this relationship gets very deep, human factors such as love, respect, sympathy, cooperation, altruism etc. are mixed in the relationship of the members.

6. Spontaneity :- Primary relationship is completely optional. Individuals are automatically bound by this relationship. A person is not bound by this relationship at the behest of another or by any agreement. A person does not form a primary relationship with another at the behest of another or by any agreement. Moreover, this relationship does not go according to plan.

7. Small in size :- Primary group is mainly small in size. The smaller the group size, the deeper the primary ties. In fact, because physical proximity is essential to primary groups, this physical proximity is only possible when members are confined within a relatively small area.

8. Physical Proximity :- Primary group is also called Face to face group. "Face-to-face" refers to the physical proximity of two or more persons. This trait is definitely present in primary relationships.

9. Durability :- Primary groups are fairly permanent. Initial rapport takes some time to develop. This amount of time is sufficient to prove group stability.

10. Similarity of members :- The members of the primary group have many things in common. Their social background is more or less the same. For their culture, intelligence, thinking, social values, mentality, lifestyle etc. to be similar, sense of unity, sincerity, solidarity, cooperation etc. can easily develop among them.

11. Limitation of self-interest :- In primary groups the individual interests of the members are less important than the interests of the group. Here individuals often sacrifice their own interests for the sake of relationships. For mutual sincerity, loyalty, the members of the group consider themselves as partners in the common interests of the group, so they rise above their own interests and extend a hand of support and cooperation to meet the common interests of the group.

12. Purposelessness :- Primary group is not formed with any particular purpose. Rather, it can be said that its purpose is common. Almost most of the needs of individual and social life are fulfilled by such groups.

13. Direct Cooperation :- Direct cooperation refers to the cooperation that individuals provide directly to others. The cooperative tendencies observed among primary group members are largely direct in nature.

14. Predominance of Collective Interest :- Members of the primary group strive together to fulfill their interests by virtue of being members of the same group. They behave cooperatively with each other in this regard. In this case, their own interests are of a secondary nature.

15. Communication :- Any relationship is basically formed in two ways - contact and communication. Communication among group members is an important element, as is physical proximity. Face-to-face relationship, solidarity between each other develops only through communication.

16. Cosmopolitanism:- In almost every human society the existence of primary groups is visible. It is a universal form. Cooley said in his book Social Organization, people are gradually becoming more aware of each other as a result of increasing communication. Hatred is gradually decreasing through social organization. As a result, primary group emotions are expanding in various areas of the human race, but in today's real society, such optimism is considered an exaggeration or myth.

[ C ] Importance of Primary Group :-

1. Primary groups are important means of socialization. Primitive groups reveal the social nature of man. Man became a social organism under the supervision and direct cooperation of primary groups. In McIver's words, "Primary groups are the nursery of human nature."

2. The role of the primary group in the development of human personality is undeniable. According to Cooley, the primary group is the main shaper of the individual's personality. According to him, the primary group plays a fundamental role in determining human social nature and ideals. In fact, the elements of personality such as love, justice, values etc. of the individual are exposed and developed through the primary groups. It is identified by many as the gateway to personality development.

3. Primary groups satisfy our emotional needs. It is as a member of the primary group that the individual derives his emotional feelings of happiness, security, companionship, etc. Moreover, he gets the opportunity to express his emotions, sorrows, pains, feelings etc. to his members. His spontaneity in this matter was revealed in the primary group. Due to this human virtues such as affection, love, respect, love, sympathy, compassion etc. are exposed - cultivated and refined.

4. Primary group members are deeply motivated by the ``we sense''. This sense of self motivates him to understand the good and bad of others and extend a helping hand. Thus the self-centeredness and selfishness of the individual is corrected with the help of the primary group.

5. Primary group members collectively strive to accomplish multiple goals. This grouping gives the individual the motivation, encouragement, and motivation to fulfill the interests of the group.

6. The primary group inculcates group spirit among its members.

7. It is through primary groups that the tender instincts of the individual heart are discovered and developed.

8. Various physical, social and mental problems of people can be solved through the primary group. He can openly talk about various problems of the individual to the other members of the group. Because members are deeply empathetic and cooperative with each other, others also cooperate in solving these problems. Thus the role of the primary group in solving various problems of the individual is undeniable.

9. As a primary member the individual develops the idea that he is not alone or isolated from others in society. He feels that he will get the help of others in his distress, sorrow. Primary group thus provides social security to any of its members.

10. Primary groups have several rules. As these are obeyed spontaneously by its members, some rules are forced upon its members to obey. By these rules, the primary group controls the behavior of individuals as one of the means of social control on the one hand; Similarly, on the other hand, the individual teaches people to be disciplined.

11. Individuals tend to conform to social norms within the primary group. Individuals practice these things under the influence of socialization and social control as part of a collective lifestyle. Thus the primary groups became one of the bearers of social custom, folklore, folk policy.

12. It is the primary groups that give the individual his identity as a social organism. For example, family is a primary group, we are members of some family. Our identity in social life is determined by our family.

13. Primary groups play one of the main roles in maintaining social cohesion .

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