Demonstration Method : Definition , Features , Merits and Demerits.

by - March 16, 2023

Demonstration Method : Definition , Features , Merits and Demerits.

Concept / Definition of Demonstration Method.

Features of Demonstration Method.

Merits of Demonstration Method.

Demerits of Demonstration Method.

Concept / Definition of Demonstration Method.

An important and useful method in classroom teaching is the Demonstration Method.
The method in which the teacher presents the fixed content in the classroom teaching with the help of appropriate teaching methods based on the prior knowledge of the students according to the necessary tests, examples and discussions of real situations is called the Demonstration Method.

The Demonstration Method has been widely applied in the modern education system, replacing the lecture method. This method idealizes student-learning in the correct application of the delivery method in the teaching process. Therefore, the Demonstration Method is more accurate and useful in classroom teaching than the lecture method.

Key features of the Demonstration Method.

1. Simultaneous participation of teacher and student is seen in the Demonstration Method.

2. As the student carefully observes the teacher's teaching, the teacher also measures the student's level of understanding.

3. Teaching materials, learning and students are used individually depending on the subject.

4. As the teacher presents correct explanations, examples and arguments in the conclusions/theories reached by teaching, so the students also get correct knowledge according to correct arguments, usages, examples and real worlds.

5. This method of teaching in the classroom keeps the teacher and students active together.

6. Students are very interested and attentive in the entire teaching activity. At the same time, they can understand the usefulness of the lesson in real life.

7. The subject can be thoroughly presented by the teacher in the classroom.

8. Students can gain overall knowledge of the subject. They can also rationally reject and refine any of their misconceptions.

9. Content can be presented to many students simultaneously.

Advantages / Merits of  Demonstration Method.

1. The Demonstration Method is easy to use. This method can be implemented from small teaching lights, blackboards and lesson plans.

2. The Demonstration Method costs less. But teachers need to think and study effectively.

3. Demonstration Method can be implemented within the specific classroom time frame.

4. Demonstration Method consists of lecture method, question and answer method, test method, problem solving method - etc.

5. In this method, students develop thinking skills, observation skills, comprehension skills and decision-making skills through listening and visual teaching.

6. Students participate equally in the teacher's lesson. As a result they get used to active learning.

7. Here one learns to apply the book based knowledge in a real practical direction.

8. The correct understanding and knowledge of the content is developed in Demonstration Method.

9. The teacher-student relationship can be more healthy in the classroom in Demonstration Method.

10. Students with different abilities can participate equally in lessons. As a result, backward students also benefit greatly from this Demonstration Method.

11. Students develop learning oriented thinking and creative skills.

Disadvantages / Demerits of Demonstration Method.

1. Even if the teacher-student relationship is good, students in many cases do not meet their own learning needs.

2. Even if the teacher conducts the lesson efficiently, he cannot pay proper attention to the individual needs and difficulties of the students.

3. As there is less opportunity to discuss the subject matter, it becomes difficult for all students especially those who are intermediate or behind in learning progress to participate properly in class learning.

4. Again, if the teacher plans lessons for the backward students, then the advanced students will become inattentive in the class.

5. If the teacher fails to apply this method or can't show the skill at different levels, then there is a lack of discipline in the class.

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