Lecture Method : Definition , Merits , Demerits & Importance.

by - March 17, 2023

Lecture Method : Definition , Merits , Demerits & Importance. 

Concept / Definition of Lecture Method:-

Advantages / Merits of Lecture Method :-

Disadvantages / Demerits of Lecture Method :-

Significance / Importance of Lecture Method :-

Concept / Definition of Lecture Method:-

In general, when the teacher presents the learning content to the students in the classroom through language alone, it is called the lecture method. When a person on a stage presents a subject to an audience, his presentation is called a speech. In this case the audience may or may not accept the content. Again, the audience may be engaged in other activities or leave the place.
But when teachers use this method for learning in the classroom, its importance or necessity becomes completely different than before. Because, here the teacher uses this method for the proper learning of the students and to conduct his own ideal teaching method.

Advantages / Merits of Lecture Method :-

1. Teaching process can be easily conducted in the classroom.

2. Lessons or syllabus can be completed before the specified time.

3. The teacher can plan the lesson according to his / her own way.

4. Subject knowledge and general knowledge and practical knowledge can be presented together in the classroom.

5. Lessons can be presented in the classroom only if there is an idea of the lesson of the day.

6. Many students can be taught simultaneously in lecture method.

7. Lecture method makes it possible to easily measure the knowledge gained by the students.

8. Lecture method is very easy to use in presentation and interpretation of lessons.

9. If necessary, the lesson can be made more interesting by using some charts, pictures etc.

Disadvantages / Demerits of Lecture Method :-

1. The approach of the lecture method is only teacher-centred. There is no student participation here. Thus, it is a one-way process.

2. The student's level of understanding is not assessed here by the teacher. As a result, the ideal learning environment is not prepared here.

3. Any content is listened to by students here. But he can't think too much about it.

4. Here teachers become more active in insisting on completing the day's lessons at the fixed time. As a result, the student does not get a chance to think independently here.

5. Here only knowledge is practiced. Other intellectual, emotional and cognitive aspects of learning are not prepared.

6. A monotonous atmosphere is created in the classroom; As a result students become inattentive.

7. In many cases the learning objective is disrupted.

8. Lecture method does not enable the development of appropriate subject-specific knowledge-understanding-application-skills.

9. The mental development of the student is disturbed.

10. The teacher-student relationship is almost always negative. Students are attracted differently to teachers by following different physical, verbal and practical characteristics, which are often contrary to the learning objectives.

11. A full portion of the content cannot be taught in this manner.

12. This method is not effective at primary and secondary level.

Significance / Importance of Lecture Method :-

Discussing the above advantages and disadvantages, it can be said that the lecture method is very important in classroom teaching despite some obstacles. Whatever teaching method is used in the classroom, no method except the lecture method can be applied in the classroom. Hence proper use of this method is useful and important in all classroom teaching methods. For example –

1. The proper use of this method in lesson delivery and interpretation must be mastered by every teacher and can be properly applied in the classroom.

2. This method can be presented in the classroom using only lectures and minimal teaching aids (such as blackboards).

3. The lecture method is, however, necessary to re-present the subject after feedback.

4. Lecture method has to be explained and presented to make the topic relevant to real life.

5. This method is used for rapid teaching of multiple students simultaneously.

6. This method is particularly useful for teacher-students to describe their own experiences.

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