Reading assignment : Definition , features , advantages and disadvantages.

by - March 20, 2023

Reading assignment : Definition , features , advantages and disadvantages. 

What is reading assignment? Discuss the features of reading assignments. Write the advantages and disadvantages of reading assignments.

Concept / Definition of Reading Assignment:-

The two main components of student performance in education are reading and writing. At the beginning of education, reading and writing gradually come into the life of the student. Our speech begins with the combination of different parts inside the oral cavity, the airway, the nostrils and the oral cavity. Learning the alphabet begins by combining speaking with the alphabet. Then gradually the student gets used to forming sentences from words and words.
Active reading makes students attentive and interested in learning. Reading assignments are therefore an individual focused process.

Features of Reading Assignment:-

Features of reading assignments are –
1. Enhances mental skills of students.
2. Analytical reading enhances students' personal skills.
3. It deals with all subjects and provides knowledge from all subjects.
4. The student independently selects the reading material. But here the advice and guidance of teachers is necessary.
5. Reading materials other than textbooks are also required here.
6. It is a completely educational program.
7. Every student can join here.
8. Teachers play an important role here.
9. This reading opens a new horizon of task in generalizing knowledge including concept formation and principles.
10. Keeps the teacher and his teaching active.

Advantages / Merits of reading assignments:-

Reading assignments are very important in a student's life because it affects the student's listening and thinking. The main advantages of reading assignments are –
1. Enhances student's intellectual development.
2. Affects the student's intellectual ability.
3. Simplifies complex arithmetic in the student's mind.
4. Reading improves the ability to choose subjects.
5. Builds the learner's own knowledge base.
6. The textbook becomes acceptable to the student.
7. The student is motivated to develop his own understanding by being drawn to particular parts of the text.
8. The student gradually becomes inquisitive and research oriented from the specialized section.
9. The student's vocabulary and knowledge base are built.
10. Reading assignments motivate students to learn independently. As a result, individualism can be measured.

Disadvantages / Demerits of Reading Assignment:-

Disadvantages of reading assignments are –
1. Reading assignments are a one-way street for learning; So this learning is limited to the educational process. 
2. Reading assignments become meaningless when students gain hands-on experience and make decisions.
3. The knowledge acquired by the student in reading is limited to a few languages. If the teacher's explanation is added, then only it can be complete, otherwise half the knowledge is gained.
4. Here only knowledge develops, other dimensions do not develop.
5. There will be no ideal learning without ideal reading material.
6. In many cases, the reading assignments instill in the students a sense that the teacher's teaching is not effective. Because, they often cannot reach the level of understanding while reading.
7. Negative reading assignments develop negative values, habits, attitudes and personalities in students.

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