The importance of yoga education for healthy living.

by - April 05, 2023

The importance of yoga education for healthy living. 

Discuss the importance of yoga education or yoga practice for a healthy lifestyle. 

Importance of Yoga Education.

Yoga education for healthy living :-

The Sanskrit word for health is ``Swashta'' and has a deep meaning. It is made up of two Sanskrit words, namely 'swa' or self and 'stha' or centered. So health roughly translates to - health is "one's own self-centeredness". In the Indian system, the Self is described as Being - Consciousness etc. This is the real truth of every human being. Any deviation from this state of well-being can be considered a disease.

From the beginning of civilization, various physical exercises for physical strength and good health began. Physical education was a major part of education in the ancient Dravidian and Babylonian civilizations. We find traces of this in every subsequent civilization. In the modern age, science has reduced our physical labor opportunities, so the need for physical exercise has increased. Moreover, those who do physical labor also need special exercises to keep the body's internal organs, such as the heart, liver, kidney, pancreas and other endocrine glands dynamic and balanced. Because if the internal organs of the body cannot be kept healthy and dynamic, the muscle power will be disturbed at some point.

Dravidian sages invented yoga about five thousand years ago with the aim of keeping the body healthy by stimulating the performance of the internal organs. In the 21st century, health science in the West has become much more developed, enriched and fulfilled. But they could not discover any exercise better than yoga. Therefore, a large number of people, regardless of men and women, have become interested in this yoga in the West and around the world to stay healthy. Every year the number of people interested in yoga is increasing. Even various asanas of yoga have been applied very successfully to cure various complex diseases including asthma, heart disease, diabetes.

Yoga is a process of holistic development of personality. Namely –

1. Muscle relaxation is possible through asana.

2. Pranayama and breathing exercises can slow down the breathing and balance the breathing.

3. The role of meditation in increasing creativity and gaining mental capacity is significant.

4. Jnanayoga – helps to take the mind to the intellectual stage by means of rate of intelligence and conceptual correction.

5. Various methods of Bhakti Yoga play a special role in making life happy and maintaining mental balance.

6. All aspects of life organized following the rules of Karma Yoga influence the innate divinity of man.

7. Yoga helps in relieving lifestyle disorders like insomnia, high blood pressure, anxiety, obesity, stress, diabetes etc.

8. Yoga helps relieve depression and reduce dependence on psychiatric drugs.

9. Yoga helps in pain management such as arthritis, back pain and general muscle stiffness.

10. Yoga can improve the functioning of the circulatory or lymphatic systems; As a result, immunity power increases.

11. Many asanas and especially shasthakriya or six special asanas (neti, nauli, basti - etc.) play an effective role in removing toxic elements from the body. They help relieve sinusitis, constipation, acidity, heartburn, migraines and can improve future immunity.

  So although yoga was developed as a spiritual science, it is today used more as a self-healing method to maintain a healthy body and mind.

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