What is summative evaluation? Discuss the objectives of summative evaluation. What are the benefits of summative evaluation?

by - April 04, 2023

What is summative evaluation? Discuss the objectives of summative evaluation. What are the benefits of summative evaluation?

Summative Evaluation :- 
Concept and definition of Summative Evaluation:-

Whenever the formative evaluation comes to an end, summative evaluation is needed. It can be said that the summative evaluation is a post-formative evaluation process which is organized to measure the proficiency of students at the end of a year or a certain period of time. Teaching and learning ; and the overall outcome of the learning process is obtained from such kinds of evaluation. Class assessment, unit assessment, oral assessment etc. are the parts of formative evaluation. So, the process of making an overall evaluation of the student's proficiency in terms of learning objectives at the end of a specified period or at the end of a course is called summative evaluation.

Summative evaluation is of two types. such as,
(a) Extrinsic and (b) Intrinsic.

Summative evaluation is organized when the students are familiar with the entire curriculum and expectations are prepared on the entire curriculum. So, summative evaluation takes place after the completion of an academic year and leads to promotion to the next class.

Objectives of Summative Evaluation :- 
Purposes of Summative Evaluation :-

1. Students cannot easily relate to the daily feedback provided by the teacher, and the overall picture of how their learning is progressing is not easily calculated. But summative evaluation can provide students with this kind of overall picture.

2. Summative evaluation assesses students' general learning or proficiency levels. The effectiveness of teaching and instruction can be evaluated based on student proficiency.

3. Summative evaluation helps to gradation students relative to proficiency or certify student proficiency relative to intended learning outcomes.

Advantages of Summative Evaluation:-
Merits of Summative Evaluation:- 

1. Summative evaluation provides motivation or positive reinforcement to teachers and instruction.

2. Assists in the planning and organization of subsequent learning.

3. Summative evaluation judges the extent to which the learning objectives have been realized based on student proficiency.

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