Methods of protection / safeguards of national interest.

by - October 03, 2023

Discuss methods of protection of national interest. 

Methods of safeguard of national interest.

Methods to protect national interest. 


Methods of protection of national interest. 

Methods of safeguard of national interest.

Protecting national interests in international politics is one of the most important duties of every state authority. Each state takes different steps to protect its national interests. Various methods of protecting and safeguard their national interest in international arena are –

1. Foreign Policy:- 
According to Frankel, the concept of national interest is a major consideration of foreign policy. A fundamental determinant in foreign policy making is national interest. In the international field, no nation engages with international relations without any self-interest . Basically, states take their decisions about solving international problems on the basis of national interest. 

2. Promotion :- 
With the help of propaganda, a country builds the opinion of other countries in favor of its foreign policy in its national interest. Political propaganda is a powerful tool for shaping foreign policy. Through propaganda, a nation  seeks to make its policies acceptable to the rest of the world. 

3. Alliance formation:- 
One of the ways or methods of protecting national interests in the international arena is the formation of alliances. Nations make alliances at the international level mainly for the purpose of fulfilling their national interests. Examples include NATO, an alliance of Western capitalist states led by the United States, and the Warsaw Pact, which consisted of the socialist states of Eastern Europe led by the Soviet Union, after World War II. 

4. Economic Cooperation and offering credit:- 
Powerful states pursue their national interests through economic cooperation and offering credit to the needy under - developed countries. Developed countries provide economic aid and loans to developing countries as a strategy to protect national interests in the international arena. In this way, developed countries are able to easily gain the support of developing countries in various matters of international politics. 

5. Force :- 
In the international arena, powerful and superpower states often use force or threat of force against other states to fulfill their national interests. For example, the US invasion of Nicaragua, Angola, Grenada and most recently Iraq in 2003. Sometimes creating force over the other countries is considered the most powerful element in international relations. 

6. Diplomacy :- 
Just as the role of foreign policy is important in safeguarding national interests, diplomacy plays an important role in shaping foreign policy. That is, diplomacy is a significant means of protecting national interests. Actually the implementation of foreign policy of a state depends on the diplomats. The effectiveness of foreign policy depends on the skills of diplomats. If a country fails at the diplomatic level, its national interests will not be protected. 

Finally, as every nation is determined to safeguard its national interest, all countries apply the above means to protect their national interests. However, although the position, environment, situation and interests of different countries around the world are different, all of them are always active in protecting their national interests in the above specific ways.

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