What is oblivion ? Mention the causes of oblivion.

by - October 05, 2023

What is oblivion ? Mention the causes of oblivion. 

Oblivion and its causes. 

Definition and causes of oblivion. 

Oblivion : meaning and concept.  

Lack of memory is called forgetfulness or oblivion. Forgetting is the opposite of remembering. Memory is learning, storing, remembering, and knowing—a combination of these mental processes. If this complex action is interrupted for some reason, amnesia occurs. 

According to Mann , amnesia is the inability to recall something that has been experienced either permanently or temporarily. 

Drever says, oblivion is the failure to repeat an experience or previously performed task. 

Bhatia says – oblivion is the failure to bring a thought or thoughts to the conscious mind without the help of the original stimulus. 

Causes of oblivion:-

1. Lack of practice:- 
The word is applicable in this case. After learning the things we practice sometimes, we can remember them. But after learning something, if it is not practiced for a long time, then it is forgotten. 

2. Nature of Content :- 
Remembering or forgetting depends a lot on the nature of the content. Ebbinghaus's experiment revealed that the rate of oblivion was highest for non-meaningful words, rather than meaningful words, complete sentences, etc. 

3. Level of Learning :- 
In every subject there is a level of learning at which learning is complete. But if the subject is practiced even after learning it completely, it is called overlearning. Overlearning causes oblivion less often. But if the learning of the subject is not complete then oblivion occurs more. 

4. Repression :- 
According to Freud, repression is the root cause of oblivion. What we don't want, what is antisocial or unpleasant to us - we want to repress, that is, forget. Educator Nunn says, we only remember happy events; Want to forget unpleasant events. 

5. Backward resistance :-
If a subject is learned well before another subject is learned, then the second subject makes one forget some part of the first learned subject. This mental process is called retrograde inhibition. Retroactive resistance is one of the causes of oblivion.

6. Narcotics :- 
Long term use of narcotic substances weakens the nerve cells of the brain. Memory is a brain process. So taking drugs causes brain memory to blur and forgetfulness occurs. 

7. Emotional inhibition :- 
In intense emotional situations it is difficult to remember even the things learned very well. Fear, anger, sadness, shame - etc. When the anger is intense, the level of oblivion increases. 

8. Changing environment :- 
Different elements of the environment in which we learn help in remembering. We cannot remember things learned in the absence of those elements in a changed environment. That's why we often forget to prepare well-prepared questions and answers at home in the exam hall. 

9. Traumatic factors :- 
We know that preservation depends on the brain. A severe brain injury causes temporary memory loss. 

10. Acute bereavement :- 
Acute bereavement results in complete loss of memory of the person. This is called amnesia. 

11. Lack of suitable accompaniments :- 
Oblivion must be organized in the absence of suitable accompaniments and power of perception. When you think of Manchester, you think of handloom cloth, when you think of Iceland, you think of mountains and ice - etc. in an associated process. So lack of proper association helps to forget experiences, events, places, objects etc. 

12. Lack of motivation, lack of interest and attention - etc. certainly helps the content to be forgotten. According to psychologist Watson, the lack of verbal accompaniment and various elements of mental abilities, such as intelligence, interest, attention, motivation - etc. are the main causes of forgetfulness. 

Conditions that facilitate the retention or storage process, the opposite conditions lead to forgetting. So memory, learning and habituation increase, oblivion is reduced.

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