Definition and features of learning.

by - February 21, 2024

Definition and features of learning.

Discuss the definition and characteristics of learning.

Definition of learning.

According to Melvin H. Marx, learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior that results from previous behavior.

According to Hilgard, learning is the change in an animal's behavior in specific situations as a result of repeated practice, which is not caused by instinctive reactions, consequences, or the temporary state of the animal.

According to McGiock, learning is the change in behavior resulting from activity, practice, and experience.

Functional Definition of Learning – Learning is the process of changing behavior as a result of past experience and training.

Features of Learning :-

1. Objective Oriented :- Traditional learning is based on one or more objectives. Individuals feel motivated to learn because of having a purpose.

2. Developmental Process :- Learning results in accumulation of experience. This experience enriches the individual progressively and helps to improve his orientation throughout life. Hence learning is called a developmental process.

3. Adaptation Process :- Individuals face many problems in daily life. Learning helps the individual to adapt to different environments. Learned knowledge and experience help the individual to adapt to the environment.

4. Demand driven process :- In most cases learning is demand driven. This need may be an individual's own, but may also be expected by society. Individuals learn many things to fulfill their needs. For example, learning self-defense techniques for self-defense needs; Learns to read books, newspapers etc. to meet the need for knowledge; Again he learns the rules of the society or sociability etc. to meet the expected needs of the society.

5. Behavioral Change :- Learning results in behavior change. In fact, the very definition of learning is the change in behavior resulting from effort. The way a child behaves in a certain situation, the child behaves differently in the same situation when he grows up. One of the reasons is that he has already learned a lot, which helps him to change his behavior.

6. Permanent Modifiers of Behavior :- An important condition in the definition of learning is that the change in behavior will be permanent. Temporary changes, such as those caused by fatigue, drug use, illness, etc., will not count as learning.

7. Practice :- Learning is the result of repeated practice. A change in behavior independent of practice is not called learning. Maturation also leads to changes in behavior. But behavior change of that nature cannot be called learning, because the role of practice is not essential in the maturation.

8. Inter-individual Variables :- As learning depends on mental ability and as there are individual differences in mental ability, there are also individual differences in learning. At a given time person 'A' can write as much as person 'B' may not or may write more.

9. Superficial :- Research has shown that learning happens very quickly with early practice. As the amount of learning gradually increases, its effectiveness decreases and there comes a time when learning does not improve despite practice. This is called the 'Plateau' of learning.

10. Active process :- The definition of learning states that learning is a change in behavior as a result of practice. Practice or exercise requires the animal to be active. So learning is an active process. Learning is not possible unless the animal is active in all three levels of learning.

11. Applies to animals other than man :- Learning also occurs in lower animals other than man. In fact, theories of learning have been discovered based on the learning of lower animals. The human-like behavior of the lower animals in the circus - etc. proves that even the lower animals are capable of learning.

12. Based on reconstruction of experience :- Learning is adaptation. Acquiring knowledge alone is not enough for adaptation. The acquired knowledge has to be reconstructed as necessary. So learning is also reconstructing the experience.

13. Influenced by environment :- Learning occurs as a result of interaction with the environment. That is why the environment and nature influence learning.

14. Contributes to overall development :- Learning results in the development of the individual in various aspects. Such as - physical, mental, visual and social.

15. Motivation Dependent :- Physiological-mental special condition to fulfill learning needs is called motivation. So motivation is an important condition of learning. It can be said that motivation provides the necessary energy for learning.

Much-discussed in educational psychology, learning is a complex mental process. Learning is the main strategy for the successful survival of all animals, not just humans. The main reason for the superiority of man is his ability to learn, which is much more than other animals. A proper understanding of the characteristics of learning is needed to utilize this ability more accurately.

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