Different features of the Chalcolithic Age.

by - June 29, 2024

Discuss the different features of the Chalcolithic Age.

Briefly discuss the characteristics of  the Chalcolithic Age.

Identity and Characteristics of  the Chalcolithic Age.

During the heyday of civilization, the use of metal is a special means of progress in the continuous development of human civilization. Copper became readily available to humans in metals and through simple experience without complex metallurgy,  humans learned to make various tools by smelting copper. So the age of civilization in which people made and used stone as well as copper furniture and tools - is called Chalcolithic Age. (Greek words Cholkos meaning copper and Lithos meaning stone) However, initially people did not know the method of collecting copper ore from mines. They collected the copper ore stuck to the rock and heated it to extract raw copper.

Duration :-
The Copper Stone Age existed on Earth from approximately 5000 to 3000 BC. It is believed that the people of Sumer first started using the mineral copper around 5000 BC or later. Later, around 3000 BC, the use of copper increased considerably in parts of Asia, Africa and Europe. The use of copper in America began much later.

Uses of copper and its benefits:-
When the use of copper started, great changes took place in the history of human civilization. The use of copper in tool making had some advantages. Copper tools were much stronger than stone tools. Copper could be melted in a fire to make tools of various shapes. This tool is much sharper and sharper than stone.

Uses of Bronze :-
The use of copper was not uniform everywhere. Moreover, soft metals like copper could not be used to make advanced tools and durable furniture. So new alloy bronze was discovered by mixing . Bronze tools became stronger, sharper and more advanced than copper tools. Hence the period following the Copper Stone Age is known as the 'Copper Bronze Age'. However, the discovery of West Asia's bronze making techniques and the use of bronze dates back to approximately 4,000 to 3,500 BC.

Advances in tool making :-
Compared to copper, bronze is harder, more durable and less corroded, so this metal easily attracts people. So the Bronze Age was long lasting and acceptable. After the invention of bronze, various shaped axes, knives, swords, tangs etc. were made. A large part of the tools of the Copper Bronze Age were weapons. Both striking and defensive bronze weapons are available. Like - bronze armour, helmet, sword, bow, arrow - etc. From this it is believed that in this era people did not have peace of mind and they had to be prepared for conflict due to various reasons.

Improvement of Agriculture :-
Another notable feature of the Chalcolithic Age is that during this period people became permanent agriculturalists and food producers. Hence, agriculture is more advanced than in the Neolithic period. Animal-drawn wooden ploughs, bronze sickles are used. Bronze axes and scythes were used for clearing land. Harpoons for hunting fish were also made of bronze.

Progress in other areas:-
The use of metals during the Chalcolithic Age led to considerable progress in advanced axes, swords, spears, arrowheads, plows, etc. Various household items started to be produced. Use of wood increases the time considerably. Boats and houses were made of wood. As the potter's wheel became more advanced during this period, there was considerable progress in pottery. The use of looms for textile production increased. When the use of metal utensils for cooking began, there was a considerable change in people's eating habits.

Beginning of Urban Civilization:-
During the Copper Stone Age, agricultural people expanded their settlements along the banks of various rivers. The increase in agricultural production in the fertile agricultural land on the banks of the river, the facility of water irrigation, the facility of fishing from the river, the facility of transportation and transportation of goods on the river, etc., have led to a considerable increase in the population density of the various river valleys. Gradually urban life was established in these areas. Harappan civilization in India is one of the examples of such urban civilization.

Predominance of Male :-
There was a special need for physical strength in the work like ploughing, tending animals and using animals for agricultural work. As a result, the role of men in these tasks increased significantly compared to women in the Copper Age. From then on, male dominance was established in the sphere of livelihood and women gradually fell behind in terms of social authority. Gradually male dominance was established in all areas of society.

Changes in Food and Accommodation :-
The people of the Chalcolithic Age learned to meet their needs for food and shelter in new and better ways. Build up the settlement area. A house thatched with tree trunks, leaves and straw was first built. Later mud or burnt brick houses were built. As grain production increases, the farmers learn to tend the yard, build containers for storing grain, and store food for the future. When the use of metal utensils for cooking began, there was a considerable change in people's eating habits.

Use of wheels in transport system :-
Copper and stone gave rise to the civilization of wood and metal wheels. Wheels began to be used to make vehicles and pottery. Wheeled chariots, and passenger vehicles were introduced in Sumer and Mesopotamia by 3000 BC. Evidence of the use of wheels is found in the Indus Valley around 2500 BC. Human skill in pottery can be seen from the use of the wheel.

Development in business :-
Agriculture, animal husbandry along with prevalence and abundance of trade can be observed in Copper Stone Age livelihood. Ware houses were built in river valleys. Merchant ships were used to travel far away in the import-export trade. Boats and trade vessels were built from tree bark. It was during this period that markets were first established in the riverside areas. People from different groups used to gather in this market to sell their produce.

Signs of Existence:-
The Chalcolithic Age started in India, Mesopotamia, Asia Minor, Egypt, Greece etc. Evidence has been found that copper smelting was in use in the Mehergarh civilization of India from 4300 - 3800 BC. Of course, copper or bronze began to be used in these places during this period, but stone continued to be used along with copper. Because copper or bronze metals were not as readily available as stone or the process of extracting these metals to make tools was not at all easy.

Finally, the discovery of copper saw a revolutionary change in the history of human civilization. As compared to stone weapons, copper weapons are much sharper and sharper. Copper Age Village Civilization developed in India. Mehergarh on the banks of the Bolan River was an important center of the Copper Age Civilization. Archaeologist Gregory Posell says – “Copper Age Civilization of India is the oldest in the world. ''

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