Features of Neolithic Age.

by - June 25, 2024

Features of Neolithic Age.

Discuss the characteristics of Neolithic age. 

Discuss the different features of Neolithic Age.

Neolithic age and its various features:-

Context and Period of Neolithic Age :-
The period from the distant past to the time before the written material of history is known as prehistoric era. Humans used different types of stone tools to gather food from the beginning. So this age is called stone age. Various archaeologists have divided the Stone Age into three parts, namely - (1) Paleolithic (2) Middle Stone Age and (3) Neolithic Age based on the development of stone tools. At the end of the Neolithic period, humans began to use metals. They first learned to use copper and later bronze metals. Therefore, the next period of the Neolithic Age is the Copper Age.

After the Middle Stone Age, the Neolithic period is approximately 10000 BC to 5000 BC. But in India this era started in late 6000 BC. Historian DP Aggarwal opined that the Neolithic period began in Baluchistan's Mehrgarh civilization little before 6000 BC.

Tools and their revolutionary advancements:-
The tools of this era show the impression of continuous evolution. The impression of continuous evolution is evident in the tools. The tools become considerably sharper, smoother and better. In this era, new types of machinery were invented for digging the soil and sowing seeds or cleaning weeds. Sickles are made at this time for harvesting. Apart from this, the emergence of tools like Kulo, Hamandista, Shilnora, Janta, Haturi, Batali, etc. started in this era. During this period, the handaxe of the ancient stone age was greatly improved. At this time the front side of the axe was much sharper and had a wooden handle. As the population grew, so did the need for better tools for farming and hunting.

Introduction to Agriculture:-
Neolithic people invented farming techniques and settled permanently in one place. As a result, people became food producers in this age from food gatherers. Earlier, humans were very helpless in nature as there was no guarantee of food and shelter. But the discovery of agriculture in the Neolithic Age removed that uncertainty. So the most significant aspect of the Neolithic is the invention of agriculture. This resulted in the end of the nomadic occupation of the people. Containers were needed to store crops. So it can be said that agriculture indirectly encouraged pot building. This is how pottery started. The people of Mehergarh in Balochistan were the first to start farming in the Indian subcontinent. Barley, wheat, maize, dates etc. were notable among the agricultural crops. The farmers of Mehergarh were used to cultivating cotton.

Animal Husbandry :-
Neolithic people started raising animals for agriculture. Agricultural production can be significantly increased by using animals on agricultural land. Domesticated animals also started to be used for transportation. During this time elephants and buffaloes were domesticated in South Asia and dogs and goats in Jordan. It is believed that at first humans domesticated dogs. Then cows, buffaloes, sheep, goats etc.

Construction of Permanent house :-
As a result of the discovery of agriculture in the Neolithic age, people began to settle in certain areas. As a result, the nomadic life of people ended. During this time, people's fear of being attacked by wild animals is greatly reduced. They started building cottages or houses towards the end of this period. They used tree branches, leaves, grass etc. to make cottages. These settlement areas gradually turned into villages. Somewhere the possibility of developing cities centered around these villages became evident.

Beginning of social life and state system:-
Aggregate life became essential during the Neolithic Age. Because agriculture and animal husbandry were possible together. Family is the oldest social organization in the world. Division of labor is introduced in the society to sustain the agricultural socio-economic life. Men and women began to share labor among themselves. Men made tools and machinery, reared animals, built houses - etc. The hunter's life was not yet completely interrupted. Hunting was done by men. Women played a major role in household work as well as in agriculture. Besides, women used to do pottery making and textile weaving.

There is no evidence of the establishment of state structures in the world before the development of urban civilization. Formerly the position of leader of a group was always short-lived due to the nomadic occupation of man. But when the Neolithic people left the nomadic life and established a permanent settlement in a certain area, the position of leader of a group became permanent. There were clashes between different groups over possession of fertile agricultural land and other reasons. In order to win the conflict, the leaders imposed various rules on their group. Thus an administrative infrastructure was developed. Many historians believe that the Neolithic Age provided a background for the development of the state system.

Use of wheels and other advances:-
As a result of the invention of agriculture, Neolithic people did not have to worry about food anymore if they were able to obtain enough food. As a result, people get the opportunity to progress in different directions by using their thinking power during leisure time. During this time, people learn various uses of fire, the invention of the wheel, pottery, making vehicles, setting sails on boats, building houses, building tombs called Delmen by arranging stones, etc. By the end of this era, people learned to use metal. In a word, Neolithic progress and achievements were much more than other Stone Age. Noting this incredible progress in the Neolithic period, researcher Gordon Child called it the "Neolithic Revolution". In a word, the duration of the Neolithic Age is much less than that of the Old Stone Age, but the progress and scope of the Neolithic Age was much greater.

Neolithic revolution:-
The famous historian Gordon Childe, after analyzing in depth the progress that was observed in various fields including agriculture during this period, could not consider them as the normal course of human progress of that time. Gordon Childe called it the "Neolithic Revolution".
As incredible progress was made in the Neolithic in a much shorter period of time than in previous periods. 

Economic Life:-
The economic base of Neolithic people was agriculture and animal husbandry. Agricultural production increased substantially during this period as a result of improvements in tools. With the increase in production, the practice of barter was introduced in the society. Division of labor gradually started in the society. This division of labor is seen between men and women. Men's jobs were tool making, animal husbandry and house building. On the other hand, women's work was housework, child rearing, agriculture, textile production, pottery making, basket making etc.
In short, the introduction of the Neolithic division of labor profoundly influenced the economy of the future Indian society and the basis of Neolithic agriculture and animal husbandry was able to survive for a long time and till today agriculture is the main pillar of the Indian economy.

Neolithic people painted pictures with symbols, which is completely different from the paintings of earlier ages. The decorative arts of that period can be identified from the decoration of pottery found in various archaeological sites in Asia and in Egypt. During this time people built idols of mother goddesses. Remains of such statues have been discovered in Crete, belonging to the Aegean civilization. People of that time could not conquer the natural forces, due to which they were afraid of those forces. Hence they came to be known as worshipers of natural forces.

Signs of Existence:-
Mehrgarh civilization in India is one of the best examples of Neolithic culture. In addition, traces of Neolithic culture have been found in Jarmo and Hasuna in Iraq, Jericho in Jordan, South Mesopotamia, Anatolia Plateau, Switzerland, Baluchistan in present-day Pakistan, Bihar, Orissa and Deccan in India.

Importance of Neolithic Age :-

The Neolithic Age has some special importance in the history of antiquity and the evolution of history in the evolution of social life. such as
A. The tools of this era made incredible improvements possible. Its efficiency increases manifold.
B. Neolithic people learned to farm. As a result, people's lifestyles can be significantly improved.
C. People of this age became more adept at domesticating various animals and learned to use them properly.
D. During the Neolithic period, humans made significant advances in land and water transportation.
E. There is prosperity in the Neolithic through agriculture and animal husbandry. As a result, new discoveries are possible. For example - house building, wheel making, boat making, plow making etc.
F. During this period people grouped and formed a tribal type of society.
G. The family system emerged as a social organization.
H. Various occupational classes emerged in this society.
I. In the Neolithic Age, the need for communication increased as a result of the prevalence of social relations and exchanges between people. As a result, the language gradually improves.
J. During this period paintings were done with different symbols. These are considered to be early attempts at the invention of the writing system.

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