Scope of education.

by - November 27, 2024

Scope of education.

Discuss the scope of education.

Topics of education.

Scope of education:-

Education is a lifelong process. There has been a radical change in the ancient ideas about education. Now education does not mean textbook-based memorization. According to modern educationists, education is a process of overall development of the student's life which helps the student gain the desired experience and changes his behavior. There are four main components of education - namely - student, teacher, curriculum and school. The flow of education flows through these four components of education through mutual action and reaction. The scope of education can be discussed in different ways.

1. Education is a lifelong process:- 
According to modern educationists, education is a lifelong process. People receive education from various media from birth to death. Modern educationists have shown that a child's education actually begins in his mother's womb. After birth, children start gaining experience from various systematic and uncontrolled media. Even after the end of formal education, people continue to react to social conditions - gain experience and change their behavior.

2. Discussion of philosophy of education: - 
Education is based on several philosophical foundations. For example - idealism , pragmatism, naturalism - etc. These philosophical theories play an important role in determining the goals and objectives of education. Therefore, discussing all these philosophical theories is included in the scope of education.

3. Discussion of relationship with society: - 
Education is an applied social science. Therefore, it is also the job of education to discuss how different actions and reactions of society affect education. Educational sociology discusses the mutual relationship between society and education.

4. Discussion about the learning process: - 
Modern education is student-centered. Therefore, discussions about various psychological methods, various methods and observations, teaching methods, etc. in the field of education are included in the discussion of education. In the field of education, this concept is known as ''Psychology of teaching and learning''.

5. Discussion about the history of education: - 
Past education forms the foundation of modern education; future education is built on its basis. Therefore, discussing the history of education is one of the tasks of education . Education acts as a bridge between the past knowledge of education and the structure of future education.

6. Discussion about economics of education: - 
The future of each student and the nation depends on national policies, national income-expenditure, economic planning, etc. It is now recognized that education is directly related to national income. Therefore, expenditure in the field of education is considered an investment today. As a result, economics of education is one of the most discussed topics in education .

7. Discussion about school administration: - 
One of the four main components of education is the school or educational institution. An educational institution can achieve the objectives of education through proper educational administrative management. Therefore, discussing school administration is a major task of education .

8. Discussion about education technology: - 
In the modern era, widespread use of technology has become common in the education process. Through the application of appropriate educational technology, it is possible to make the work of conducting education and teaching much more accurate. Therefore, educational technology is currently included in the scope of discussion of educational science.

9. Education and Nationality: - 
A major consideration in the development of the sense of nationality in the student is the development of the sense of nationality in the student. As a result, the student can be informed about the duties to be performed as a future citizen. Therefore, the discussion on the development of the sense of nationality is a major topic of discussion in education.

10. Discussion on lifestyle, health education, ethics and culture: - 
It is definitely necessary for every student to acquire knowledge related to lifestyle, health education, ethics and culture in the overall development of the student. Education fulfills that need of the students by discussing all these topics.

Finally, it can be said that the scope of discussion of education is always relative. As the scope of the individual and society expands, the scope of discussion of education changes and develops. As a result, various theories and philosophies have been added with the change of time. In modern times, the scope of education is also ever-changing due to widespread changes in globalization, modernization, national policies, international education policies, etc.

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