Merit and Demerits of Presidential government.

by - February 21, 2022

Advantages and disadvantages of a presidential government.

Merit and Demerits of Presidential government.


Advantages or Merits of Presidential Government: -

1. The most significant advantage of a presidential government is the stability of the President's tenure. The term of office of the President does not depend on the will or consent of the legislature. Therefore, the President can run the government according to his own rights, considerations and programs. The legislature cannot directly control the president here. In a presidential system of government, the president is elected for a fixed term. Although he can be removed. However, since the removal procedure is very complicated, he cannot be removed before the term without any special charges.

2. Instead of being enslaved by the party or the legislature in a presidential system of governance, he can carry out his own independent agenda. Legislative and party supremacy over the governing body is not recognized in presidential governments. The president controls the party. He controls the members of the party through the distribution of special privileges in special cases, nomination of candidates in elections, appointment and dismissal of higher posts.

3. In a presidential system of government, the president is the real head of state. As a result, he does not have to depend on the cabinet , legislature in any emergency or crisis situation. He can make his own decisions according to his own free will. The President can independently formulate various policies, make decisions and implement them. In all this he does not have to depend on the cabinet or the legislature.

4. Since the cabinet is only loyal to the president of the state in presidential governments - the cabinet in presidential governments cannot interfere with the work of the president in any way. Ministers hold office on the basis of their efficiency and the satisfaction of the President.

5. The president of a presidential government has to be directly dependent on the people. Therefore, the President refrains from formulating any anti-people policy. On the other hand, the ministers are also jointly responsible for the work of the President to the legislature and indirectly to the people. In this way, on the one hand, the arbitrariness of the President is stopped and on the other hand, under the pressure of public opinion, the vigilance and efficiency of the administrative department increases.

6. In a presidential system of governance, there is no basis for party majority, party support, etc. As a result, the President never has to be anxious to gain party support. As a result, the President can govern independently and without resorting to corruption. The party can in no way control the president here or the president does not feel the need to resort to any kind of party corruption.

7. For a multi-party state, a presidential government is particularly effective. Because of the presence of so many political parties in multi-party states, it has been seen in many cases in the legislature that no party has been able to get an absolute majority. In most cases the legislature is seen to be triangular. Then the situation of the alliance is created and that alliance is formed on the basis of mutual interests, transactions and programs. Instead, presidential rule can be easily established above all these alliances. In a presidential government, the president is by no means dependent on a party majority. Therefore, in multi-party states, presidential rule is highly desirable.

8. The three branches of government - the administration, the legislature and the judiciary - cannot interfere in each other's affairs because of the principle of separation of powers in presidential states. As a result, the three departments can perform their functions independently and impartially, and the legislature can indirectly help to direct the administration in the right direction by highlighting the shortcomings of the administration.

9. In presidential regimes, ministers are directly appointed by the president. In this case, the President appoints those ministers whom he deems fit enough. In a parliamentary system of government, on the other hand, a person can become a minister only by a majority vote and the influence of the party. No one checks his qualifications for the ministry. Therefore, all the ministers appointed by the President's government perform their duties with great excellence and efficiency.

10. Presidential governments can make quicker decisions, take action on various issues, and so on. Parliamentary states, on the other hand, take a long time to reach a conclusion. But in states ruled by the President, since the President has the ultimate authority in the administration, the President alone can take any decision of the administration.

Disadvantages or Demerits of the Presidential Government . 

Errors or Inconveniences of the Presidential Government: -

1. In a system of government governed by the President, the President wields immense power. Therefore, there is a possibility for him to become a dictator very easily. Since the legislature has no control over the president, he can carry out his duties independently, and since his removal procedure is complicated, his removal is carried out through a very complex process. In other words, there is the possibility for the President to become dictatorial in the governments ruled by the President.

2. In a presidential government, the president is not directly accountable to the legislature. He is not obliged to be accountable in any matter in the legislature. In this case, the president is directly responsible to the electorate or the people. That is why many people refer to the government ruled by the President as an irresponsible government.

3. The principle of separation of powers is recognized in presidential governments. As a result, the legislature, administration and the judiciary do not interfere in anyone's affairs, but conflicts between the functions of these three departments are extremely complex, jeopardizing the national interest and governing if there is no coordination between the two departments. 

4. Public opinion is not properly reflected in a presidential government. In a cabinet-run system of governance, ministers have to maintain a direct relationship with the will, aspirations, hopes and aspirations of the people. But this is not the case in a presidential government. The President can make his position known in a variety of ways; But it is not possible for him to communicate directly with the public.

5. In many cases, the President has resorted to nepotism, corruption, recruitment of acquaintances, etc., in the appointment of ministers, in the appointment of high-ranking officials. As a result, the right person does not get a place there. In such a scenario, if the President places more importance on loyalty and his own political interests than on the excellence of the system of governance - then that system of governance cannot be profitable.

6. The judiciary dominates presidential governments. Despite the recognition of the principle of separation of powers, the judiciary has the power to judge the legitimacy of the work of different departments. In accordance with the Constitution, the Judiciary exercises that power and seeks to extend or influence the Judiciary over the legislature and Administration.

7. The success of the government depends on the personal merits and demerits of the President. But if for some reason the president cannot run the government efficiently enough, the state will fail. As a result, the interests of the state are harmed. Again, the President cannot be removed without any specific allegation. As a result, the administration is facing failure.

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