Definitions and causes of gender inequality.

by - April 22, 2022

What do you mean by gender inequality? Write down the causes of gender inequality.

Definitions and causes of gender inequality.

What is gender inequality? Mention the causes of gender inequality in India.

Gender Inequality: -

Article 14 of the Indian Constitution recognizes the equal rights of men and women. In addition, the Government of India is committed to the 1979 United Nations Charter for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. But that did not solve the problem as expected.

The term gender inequality is commonly used to refer to discriminatory treatment of women. Gender inequality still exists in every society in the world, despite various constitutional laws to protect women's rights, various movements for women's rights, equality of women in the workplace, security and dignity.

When someone is discriminated against in any way on the basis of gender alone or when someone is discriminated against only because of gender - it is called gender discrimination. The various causes of gender inequality are discussed below -

Causes of Gender Inequality: -

1. Historical context: -
Gender inequality originated in primitive human society. In primitive society, men were involved in hunting and gathering food and women were engaged in their own housework. So the rights and dignity of men are established. On the other hand, everyone relied on relatively strong men to escape from the beasts of prey and enemies. As a result, gender inequality originated in primitive human society.

2. Class - Division: -
Class division is one of the causes of gender inequality in Indian society. Class divisions in society were based solely on the actions of men. Women were neglected in this case. Since then, less emphasis has been placed on women in action.

3. Social context: -
In Indian society, the social status of every woman is determined by the social status and status of her father or husband. In this case, women's own role, qualifications - etc. are not given importance. In India, pedigree is only patriarchal.

4. Workplace Inequality: -
Women are deprived of job opportunities, wages, etc. in the workplace. In many cases they receive lower wages instead of equal pay. Men are considered to be more desirable than women in physical strength activities. There is even a tendency for men to occupy top positions in various organizations.

5. Male Dominated Society: -
Indian society is mostly patriarchal. Women's freedom here depends on men's consent. In education, in the workplace, in marriage, etc., women have to rely on the consent of men. Any important decision of the family is taken by the head of the family or father. Gender inequality is therefore inevitable in this kind of society.

6. Lack of education: -
In terms of literacy, women still lag far behind men. As a result, they are easily exposed to exploitation, deprivation, etc. In many families even today women are educated for the purpose of marriage. Many women are not aware of their rights due to lack of adequate education.

7. Social Perspectives: -
Social attitudes are equally responsible for gender inequality in India. In Indian society even today the issues of women's higher education, family and social authority, political empowerment etc. are not looked upon favorably. Even today it is believed that the main duty of women is child rearing and family management.

8. Economic reasons: -
Most Indian women are not economically self-dependent due to lack of higher education and vocational education, social norms and attitudes. As a result, they tolerated various injustices, exploitation, deprivation, etc. that happened against them. It is impossible to solve this problem if women are not financially self-sufficient.

9. Women's own point of view: -
Again, in many cases it is seen that women themselves prefer male dominance. In some cases, women feel comfortable being under their father or husband. As a result, on the one hand they easily fall prey to discrimination and deprivation and on the other hand they help to maintain the patriarchal character of the society.

In conclusion, women in rural areas are more likely to be discriminated against than women in urban areas. Elimination of gender inequality is possible through expanding hunting, political will, changing social attitudes, raising awareness of women, and introducing effective policies.

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