Nature and different types of social inequality.

by - April 20, 2022

Nature and different types of social inequality.  

Discuss the nature of social inequality.

Discuss different types of social inequality.

Nature of social inequality: -

Different types of social inequality.

1. Inequality in state policy : -
The state or government introduces different types of policies for the society. These policies include the principle of punishment and reward. Although different policies have been formulated for the expectation of the people, public welfare, etc., it has given rise to inequality. But in those parts of society where development does not take place properly - inequality is born in those areas and separatism is born out of this inequality - anti-state forces. In addition, the government does not formulate policies keeping in mind the needs of all sections of the society. This inequality in state policy forces people to take the path of revolution and movement.

2. Inequality in social mobility: -
Some people follow the rules and regulations of the society in order to fulfill their own interests. Again some disobey them if expectations are not met. The dynamics of society are not implemented equally in all parts of society. Underdeveloped, backward communities - want to build a new society by ending the conventional society system. The prevailing rules of the society are able to meet the interests of a particular section of the society, but not the dynamics of all sections of society.

3. Freedom and inequality: -
According to the philosopher Kant, social inequality gives rise to both positive and negative forces in society. There is inequality in every society and there is opposition to that inequality. Every inequality in society is painful; But the organized behavior of people on the way out of this situation gives birth to social dynamism.

4. Inequality as the driving force of society: -
Rabindranath Tagore identified social inequality as the main driving force of society. According to him, if there was no inequality in the society, the society would become stagnant. Social inequality protects the interests of one class and disrupts the interests of another class. As a result, deprived people take steps to close that gap. So because there is inequality in the society, the society tries to move forward on the path of equality.

5. Economic Inequality: -
At the root of economic inequality are production methods and distribution systems. Production is organized mainly through two classes. These two classes are - owner and worker. The owner is the privileged class and the worker is the disenfranchised class. So naturally the owner class imposes authority on the workers and wants to exploit them. With the spread of imperialism ,  the spread of capitalism came ; and as a result , the inequality between owner and worker became more pronounced. Also, the state policy cannot introduce effective policies to provide financial protection to the financially weak people of the society.

6. Political inequality: -
The key to politics is to seize state power. Therefore, the occupation of state power and the establishment of the principle of equality are both opposite. Even if a democracy is established, inequality always exists. Inequality is observed in the election of representatives, in policy making, in the management of the state. In addition to democracy, inequality in dictatorial or military rule is acute. There all power is vested in the ruler alone; Everyone else has to behave like a loyal tenant. In a country like India, where democracy is established, there is a wide disparity between the powerful and the common man.

7. Chromatic Inequality: -
Racial inequality or racism can be noticed all over the world. Even the modern countries of the first world are not out of it. Just because of caste, one class of people wants to rule another class by destroying all kinds of rights, dignity, power, human rights, etc. Hitler's  theory on caste , black hatred in South Africa, social disenfranchisement of the Dalit community in India, etc. can be mentioned in this context.

8. Inequality in education and culture: -
Since inequality is present everywhere in the society, the issue of inequality in education and culture also becomes evident. Even today full literacy is not possible in India. Although the government has adopted a set of plans, the full benefits of the plans for the indifference, unawareness of some class of people, some social obligations, etc., have not been reaped. Although Indian culture is rich in material aspects, it has not succeeded in achieving international standards even today. That is why a class of people wants to dominate the society by keeping the rush of education and culture in their hands. As a result, inequality became evident in the society.

9. Gender Inequality: -
Gender inequality between men and women can be observed at every level of social evolution. Until World War II, women's rights were restricted in almost every country in the world, socially, economically, and so on. Since then, especially in the 70's, the widespread women's movement has established some rights for women, but women are still discriminated against in various fields. Even though the equality of women in the workplace has been established - sexual abuse, even though various laws have been introduced to protect housewives, there are still reports of bride abuse every day.

In conclusion, equality and inequality coexist in society. The path of equality started from different inequalities in the society. It is a process that is inevitably guided by the evolution of society. In this way inequality will be eliminated and equality will be established in the society.

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