Factors responsible for changing the caste system in India.

by - April 19, 2022

The reason for the change in the caste system in India.

Factors responsible for changing the caste system in India. 

The reason for the change in the caste system in India.

With the Bengal Renaissance in the nineteenth century, changes in the caste system in India began to accelerate. In the present age of globalization, there is a great difference between the previous caste system and the present caste system. The reasons for the change in caste system in India are discussed below.

1. Introduction to modern education: -
In India, the English rulers introduced Western education. Education was widely spread in India after independence. The so-called lower castes, who were forever deprived of the right to education, began to receive education. Modern education in India has downplayed the predominance of the caste system. The importance of the status acquired through modern education is more established in society than the status acquired by the people.

2. Constitutional system: -
The right to equality is recognized in Articles 14-18 of the Indian Constitution. The right to equality states that all are equal before the law and that all are entitled to equal protection by law. In addition, special privileges have been recognized for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes. All these constitutional systems have removed the predominance of the caste system and established equality in the society.

3. Different constitutional laws: -
Certain provisions of the Indian Constitution have been able to remove the predominance of the caste system. Such as -
Hindu Marriage Act (1955), Anti-Untouchability Act (1956), The Caste Disabilities Removal Act (1850), Special Marriage Act (1872) - etc. At present, untouchability is a criminal offense in India.

4. Anti-domination movement against Brahmins: -
Many anti-Brahmin movements were organized in India before and after independence. All these movements demanded the denial of the right of Brahmins to domination and privilege in society. As a result, the privileges and prestige of the Brahmins in the society are greatly diminished. Notable among these movements are the Jyotirao Phule's "Satyashodhak Samaj" movement, Dr. BR Ambedkar's "Chauda Movement", as well as the movement for access to various temples in South India.

5. Different social reform movements: -
The second half of the nineteenth century is called the era of Bengal renaissance. During this time various social reform movements focused on education for all in society, eradication of superstitions, expansion of women's education, etc. All these movements, on the other hand, brought about a change in the caste system in India. The movement of organizations like Brahmo Samaj, Arya Samaj, Ramakrishna Mission, Satyasadhaka Samaj etc. was basically to establish a free society by eliminating the inequalities of the society.

6. Development of Democracy in India: -
Democracy was established in India after independence. India is currently the largest democracy in the world. With the establishment of democracy, the basic elements of social and ethnic inequality began to disappear. In a democracy, everyone is given equal status and rights irrespective of race, group, religion and caste.

7. Dignified evolution of women: -
The dignified evolution of Indian women took place through many movements, expansion of education, constitutional system, etc., both before and after the independence movement. Adding to this the issue of women's empowerment, the process of oppression and deprivation of women is greatly reduced.

8. Impact of Industrialization: -
Heavy industry flourished in India after independence. This creates a lot of employment opportunities. As a result, the notion of caste-based action, which was traditionally practiced in India, came to an end. From this period onwards, people started participating in different professions, overcoming caste and caste differences. As a result, the dominance of the caste system faded.

9. Impact of urbanization: -
Industrialization and urbanization are interrelated. With industrialization, rapid urbanization spread in India. The caste system has no importance in the modern and busy life of the people of the city. The various restrictions of caste became worthless.

10. Modernization and Western influences: -
In India, various Western elements began to enter Indian culture by the British. At present, as a result of globalization, Indian society has become an international society and has embraced all the modern elements of the world. All these modern social elements have led the caste system towards extinction.

11. Introduction of different sages: -
Various Indian thinkers played a leading role against caste. Such as Raja Rammohun Roy, Swami Vivekananda, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. BR Ambedkar, Jyotirao Phule - etc. The mystics promoted humanism through their ideals. Rising above caste, they established education, human rights and true humanism.

12. Emergence of new social class: -
After independence, different social classes emerged in India. There were some social and constitutional reasons behind this. For example, monarchy was abolished in India after independence and zamindari system was abolished at different times. Also, in the pre-independence period, the middle class, etc. emerged. These new social classes are mainly formed by the division of labor; Not on the basis of caste.

In conclusion, the change in caste system in India did not take place suddenly. It has been influenced by different social processes at different times and this process of change is still accelerating.

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