Social Inequality : Definition and features.

by - April 19, 2022

What is social inequality? Discuss the features / characteristics of social inequality.

Definition and characteristics of Social Inequality.

Definition of social inequality: -

In his book Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society, Ralf Dahrendorf defines social inequality as the inequality that exists between individuals and groups based on wealth, status, power and authority.

In his book Social Inequality, Krisberg says that inequality is present in every society. Inequality is a kind of high-low difference which indicates that another person or group has more material or social resources than any other class of person or group in the society.

Ogburn and Nimkoff think that the seeds of social inequality are rooted in social stratification.

As Andrei Bettei says, class, social inequality, social stratification - every system is interrelated.

Thus, social inequality is the unequal position of socialized people which can be observed through the separate position of socialized people, reward and punishment, unequal distribution of property-power, etc.

Characteristics of social inequality: -

1. Social inequality is present in every society. In every society inequality is established on the basis of wealth, power, authority, social position etc.

2. Although social inequalities vary from country to country, their basic character is always the same.

3. Social inequalities are interrelated. For example, individuals who have less material resources naturally have less authority in society.

4. Social inequality creates the path of social mobility. A person who is a victim of social inequality always tries to remove inequality from his life by changing his social position. As a result social mobility is created.

5. Social inequality always brings negative effects to a class of people.

6. Social inequality is observed in personal, social, economic, educational, religious, etc. areas.

7. Rabindranath said that social inequality is the main driving force of society. Because, if there is no inequality in the society, the society becomes stagnant.

8. Social inequality has given rise to various social and political movements. Such as - anti-apartheid movement in South Africa, worldwide women's rights movement, Dalit movement in India - etc.

9. As a result of social inequality, human qualities, characteristics, abilities and capabilities are not equally distributed. Their lack of social distribution leads to differences in the status they have acquired.

10. Social inequality gives rise to social segregation. Any kind of inequality creates divisions among the social elites.

11. Rights - enjoyment, quality or attribute, authority, achievement or performance - are all associated with social inequality.

12. Social inequality affects all the people and the trend of rights-enjoyment and inequality continues.

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