The problems of the youth in India.

by - April 18, 2022

Discuss the problems of the youth in India.

What are the current problems facing by the youth in India ?

Problems of youth in India: -

India has the highest number of youth in terms of population. Thus, the role of youth is paramount in Indian society and economy. But the youth community is plagued by multiple problems. These problems can be both personal and social. As the youth society is facing various problems, on the other hand, this problem is a negative aspect for the development of the nation. The more the youth of a country are in trouble, the more the future of that country will become uncertain. The various problems of the present youth society are discussed below.

1. Unemployment : -
Among the various problems of the youth in India, the problem of unemployment is the most significant. India's economy is booming; But employment opportunities are declining rapidly. Rapid population growth is a major factor in the contraction of employment. As a result, unemployment is on the rise in India. According to the 2011 census, the unemployment rate in India is 10.1 percent. Sikkim has the highest unemployment rate.

2. Depreciation of values: -
At present, the authority of parents over the young men and women is gradually diminishing. This life without authority is becoming more and more attractive to the youth and the attraction towards outward living is increasing. A significant portion of the youth have become accustomed to nightclubs, discs, illicit relationships, and extravagant lifestyles. As a result, traditional Indian values ​​have deteriorated.

3. Problems related to education: -
Necessary changes are not being made in the field of education to keep pace with the rising unemployment. Conventional education is not helping the youth in getting employment. Although special vocational education has been introduced, it is not as effective as expected. Other vocational courses also have to pay a hefty fee - so there are very few opportunities for youth participation. Despite getting higher education, many students are suffering from unemployment.

4. Drug Addiction: -
At present the youth are becoming addicted to drugs. This is a matter of concern. Drug use is on the rise among men as well as women. Drug use is on the rise, either to get rid of depression or to get a taste of debauchery. In the hands of those on whom the future of the nation depends, their attraction towards drugs is pushing the nation towards darkness.

5. Role of political leaders: -
Current political parties are using the youth for their own political interests. Political leaders are misleading the youth for their own political interests without solving the problems of the youth. With the indulgence of the leaders, the youth are engaging in anti-social and criminal activities. The political leaders are using the youth for their own benefit by dreaming of a bright future and brainwashing the ideology.

6. Spread of consumerism: -
The concept of globalization originated in India in the 1990s. Consumerism has entered the society through globalization. The youth have suffered the most as a result of the development of consumerism in the society. The use of modern technology based electronic gadgets, the luxury of living , the allure of easy EMIs, etc., have turned the youth into slaves of consumerism.

7. Self-centeredness: -
Modernity, Western influences, the spread of consumerism, etc. have made people increasingly self-centered . Instead of participating in various problems of the society, problems of national life, participation in various activities for human interest, etc., the youth are becoming more and more engrossed in self-centered thinking. As a result, on the one hand, the Indian youth are refraining from building national life, on the other hand, the country's main force, the youth, is drowning in self-centered intoxication.

8. Creation of hereditary emptiness: -
The present education system has not made the overall development of the youth but has only made them job oriented. As a result, social issues, commitment to tradition, role as cultural bearers and carriers - etc. have become secondary issues. As a result, social isolation, negative attitude towards the conventional society - such mentality has become predominant among the youth. Policy makers want to change the superstructure without strengthening the foundations of society. As a result, the basic way of life of the youth has become polluted.

9. Social degradation: -
At present degradation is observed in all spheres of society. Issues such as political dishonesty, nepotism, corruption and bribery culture of high-ranking government officials, racial and political infighting, etc. have created intense dissatisfaction among the youth and have created negative opposition and inferiority towards the state among the youth.

10. Attraction to subcultures: -
In the present society, just as the whole world has united to create " GLOBAL VILLAGE" by globalization, on the other hand, various kinds of subcultures have spread among the youth. Tasteless clothing, attraction to drugs, smoking in public, free sex, abnormal addiction to social media - these are the basic features of Indian youth.

In conclusion, a significant portion of the Indian youth is in crisis today. Various measures should be taken to overcome this problem, social and political goodwill, building effective infrastructure in the field of education, creation of employment, etc.

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