Problems of the elderly people in India.

by - April 17, 2022

Discuss the problems of the elderly people in India.

Identify the problems of senior citizens in India.

Problems of older citizens in India: -

Older age periods are different in different countries. Such as 65+ years in America, 60-65 years in Australia etc. However, the World Health Organization has identified 65+ years of age and the United Nations 60+ years of age as old age. In India, 60+ years of age is considered as an indicator of old age.

According to the 2011 census, the number of elderly citizens in India is around 100 million. At present, due to the improvement of the modern medical system, health awareness, etc., the number of elderly citizens is increasing. It is estimated that by 2025, the number of elderly citizens in India will be around 160 million.

However, elder citizens in India are plagued with various problems. On the one hand, they begin to become physically weak, on the other hand, they face various social problems. The various problems of the elderly in India are discussed below.

1. Biological and health problems: -
Older people have different types of physical problems due to age. Their various limbs become weak, immunity is reduced, physical ability is greatly reduced. Respiratory problems, digestive problems, poor eyesight, insomnia, diabetes, heart problems - these are the various problems that inevitably affect most adults.
They are easily infected with various diseases due to reduced immunity. The problem only gets worse when other family members are indifferent to the physical illness of the elderly.

2. Social problems: -
Every older citizen faces different types of social problems - they may vary from country to country and from time to time. As physical capacity decreases, their control over social functions  loses . Their productivity decreases in the social sphere and they become dependent on each other's empathy and sympathy.

3. Family problems: -
Older people usually become dependent on other family members during this time. Individuals gradually shift from family controllers to family burdens. Since most adults are not financially self-sufficient, they have to rely on other family members in each case. All the other members of the family are so busy with their work that no one has time to look after the needs and problems  of the elderly.

4. Economic Problems: -
In India, older citizens are particularly vulnerable to economic hardship. On the one hand the way of economic earning is closed and on the other hand the accumulated capital is strained. The condition of those who have no financial means is terrible. Even those who have a way of financial means; Such as pension, rent money, income from savings - etc .; They have no control over their money either - other family members claim their own rights over that money.

5. Mental problems: -
Older people suffer from memory loss or excessive reminiscence due to age, mood swings, decreased tendency to work and productivity, and decreased learning ability. When there is a difference of opinion between husband and wife, peace of mind is lost. Negative things like physical thoughts, fear of death, etc. eat away at the elderly.

6. Loneliness :- 
Most young people do not like the company of adults. On the other hand, most older people cannot accept the evolutionary changes in the family and society. When one of the spouses dies, the other becomes more lonely. In most cases, young family members do not have time to listen to the physical and mental problems of the elderly. In some cases, the elderly are sent to old age homes, but no one listens to the longing to live together with the family. So at one end of the age, they find themselves lonely in their own arranged world.

7. Changing role in Family and Society :- 
During adolescence, everyone participates in a variety of social interactions. Education, work effort, career, marriage, family rearing - etc are the witnesses and part of the eventful life of every person. Again, they participate in various progressive activities in the social field. But with age, the role of adults changes. In most cases, adults cannot return to the mainstream of society even if they want to. This creates mental problems in the elderly.

Finally, changes in the family system in India have exacerbated the problems of the elderly. In India, family patterns have changed less in rural life than in urban life. Therefore, the problems of the elderly in rural life are comparatively less. In rural India, the process of forming a Nuclear  family is not so fast. But in the case of the city, the picture is completely different. In modern industrial society, the life of the elderly in a single family or nuclear family structure has become miserable.

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