The difference between state and society.

by - April 08, 2022

The difference between state and society.

The contrast between state and society.

Comparative discussion of state and society.

Differences between state and society: -

1. Differences in terms of antiquity: -
Society originated long before the creation of the state. In fact, the state is a special stage in the evolution of society. Society existed even among primitive humans. The state, on the other hand, is a very new concept.

2. Institutional Differences: -
A society is made up of many social institutions. The state is one of those social institutions. So the concept of society is much broader than the state.

3. Legal Differences: -
The state has a legal basis; But society has no legal basis. The state is legally organized; So the people inside the state show loyalty to the state; But it is not possible to show loyalty to society.

4. Differences in membership: -
An individual can only be a member of a state; But such conditions are not applicable in the case of society. An individual can be a member of different social organizations at the same time.

5. Differences in objective : -
The purpose of the state is to implement the welfare-oriented ideology through the formulation of laws and policies. Barker says the state's purpose is to achieve legitimate purposes. But the purpose of society is multifaceted. In a society, people achieve different and multifaceted purposes - economic, political, cultural, religious, moral - etc.

6. Peripheral differences: -
The scope of society is much wider than the scope of the state. The scope of the state is limited to the political life of the people. But, all aspects of human life are included in society.

7. Differences in specific terrain: -
In the case of a state, having certain territory is a prerequisite for the formation of a state. But in the case of society, the issue of specific territory is irrelevant.

8. Government related differences: -
The existence of government is mandatory for running the state; State policies and norms are implemented through the government. But the government never runs the society. Every institution of the society manages the society mutually.

9. Differences in Sovereignty: -
Sovereignty is a fundamental element of the state. By sovereign power the state claims authority over all the individuals and entities under it. Every individual and organization is bound to abide by the state policy and constitution. But in the case of society, the issue of sovereignty is unnecessary. People are not obliged to follow the social norms and rules.

10. Differences in procedures and management: -
The state uses force to implement its policies and ideals. That is why Marxists identify the state as an instrument of oppression. But in the case of society, there is no need for coercion. The rules of society are enforced based on the natural consent of the people.

In conclusion, although there are some differences between the state and the society, there is a deep and inseparable relationship between the state and the society. Although the state and society are not one, their existence is not possible individually. People's social needs, desires and reluctances, hopes and aspirations are realized through state policy. Again, every state is influenced by social customs, customs, etc. So even though the state and society are not one, there is an inseparable relationship between them.

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