Reasons for population growth in India.

by - April 27, 2022

Reasons for population growth in India.

The reason for the rapid population growth in India.

The cause of the mass explosion in India.

Reasons for population growth in India: -

The presence of the total population of a country is defined as population in terms of numerology. Population is the wealth of every country. But the rapid rate of population growth in India is alarming. The rate of population growth in India each year is equal to the total population of Australia. India alone bears 16% of the world's population. While Russia is 13 times larger than India but only 3% of the world's population and the United States is 7 times larger in size than India, it carries only 5% of the world's population. The reasons for the rapid population growth in India are -

1. Difference between Birth Rate and Mortality Rate: -
As of 1993, India has a birth rate of 26.6% and a mortality rate of 9.3%. According to the 2011 census, the birth rate is 20.98% but the death rate is 7.48%. Due to this huge gap between birth rate and death rate, there is no balance in the population of India. As a result, the population is growing at a very fast rate.

2. Lack of proper family planning: -
Although the National Population Policy was announced in India in 1976, it has not been fully effective in terms of population control. Even at the beginning of the 21st century, Indians did not realize the importance of family planning. Responsible for this is the unconsciousness of the people and the indifference of the government. As a result, in the 2011 census, India's population exceeded 121 crore. At present the situation has reached such a stage that the economy in India will soon collapse if the family planning policy is not implemented very soon.

3. Child marriage: -
Although the rate of child marriage has come down a bit as a result of publicity and awareness raising, it is still prevalent today. Even today, child marriages continue to take place in secret, fooling the administration. The issue of child marriage and having more children is directly related. As an adult woman grows older, her ability to conceive decreases. However, after puberty, a woman's ability to conceive is extremely high .  As it is customary in Indian society for girls to marry at an early age - the population has naturally increased.

4. Illiteracy: -
According to the 2011 census, India has an average literacy rate of 74.04%; That means more than 25% of people in India are still illiterate. Because so many people are illiterate they do not realize the importance of family planning. They may not be aware of how giving birth to too many children harms their child's future and the national economy and society.

5. Lack of female education: -
According to the 2011 census, only 65.46% of women are literate. This huge amount of illiteracy is indirectly responsible for the rapid population growth in India. Being illiterate, women on the one hand do not realize the importance of such family planning; On the other hand, they do not know about the use of contraceptive methods.

6. Different religious and social influences: -
Sons are more desirable among Indians. So, in many cases, more than one child is born in desire to give birth to a son. Among the Hindus, sons are desirable in the field of genealogy. Again in Muslim society family planning is anti-religious. The belief that God will be born in the womb as an incarnation - such a belief - in many cases accelerates population growth.

7. Impact of joint family system prevalent in rural society: -
While it is a problem to have a large number of children and raise them in a single family, it is not a problem in a joint family. In India, even after independence, there is always joint family monopoly in rural areas for several decades. Although there is a breakdown in joint families at present, there are still many joint families in rural India. One of the reasons for the increase in population is the mentality of having more children in Indian joint families.

8. Impact of Indian Climate: -
The Indian climate is predominantly warm. Scientific studies have shown that warmer climates increase a woman's ability to conceive and that she acquires the ability to conceive at a very young age. As a result, the Indian climate is conducive to population growth.

9. Impact of rural life : -
There are nearly 80 percent villages in India. They have no special idea about family planning due to lack of awareness, illiteracy etc. in rural life. They may not realize the needs of small families.

In addition to the above factors, many other factors are also responsible for India's population growth. For example, due to excessive poverty, people think that if more children are born, those children will be able to alleviate poverty in the future. Also, since there is no other way of entertainment among poor families, they take sex as the only way of entertainment. Moreover, a lot of people have entered India at different times, for different reasons. This process of infiltration is still active today. Thus, the combination of various factors is causing rapid population growth in India.

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