Various measures and programs taken for population control in India.

by - April 28, 2022

Various measures and programs taken for population control in India.

Various measures and programs taken for population control in India.

Various programs were adopted for population control in India before and especially after independence. The following are some of the notable population control programs.

1. Family Planning 1952 : -

The Population Policy Committee was formed in 1952 and gained constitutional recognition as a separate department. It is a centrally aided state subsidiary. The components of this plan are -
(i) One health center for improving the health of each community.
(ii) One sub-health center for every ten thousand population.
(iii) Identify various barriers and shortcomings in the manufacture of personnel and materials.
(iv) Arrangement of medicines at the cost of Rs. 12000 per annum in each primary health center and Rs. 2000 per annum in each sub-health center.
(v) To convert one out of every four health centers into a 30-bed rural hospital
(vi) Bringing family welfare programs to the central level.

2. National Population Policy 1976: -

The national population policy was adopted in 1976. Notable aspects of this population policy are -
(i) Provide health care and free medical services to every member of every family.
(ii) Adoption of special programs related to health and education of children with special needs.
(iii) Welcoming initiatives - both public and private - to promote women's education.
(iv) Establishing a minimum age of marriage for women 18 and for men 21 years.
(v) Policy making, tariff reform and provision of appropriate grants for the overall development of the population.
(vi) To increase the central aid by 9% keeping in view the success of family planning at the state level.
(vii) Education is required for the overall development of the population. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the expansion of universal primary education.
(viii) To make maximum use of the media for the implementation of population policy and for raising public awareness about population policy.
(ix) To utilize various institutions and organizations for proper implementation of family planning policy and to welcome any initiative of theirs.
(x) All organizations that take special initiative to implement population policy - full duty exemption on the money used by them.
(xi) Special emphasis on genetic studies and research on contraception.
(xii) Utilizing all departments and departments of government to implement family planning.
(xiii) To provide appropriate advice and assistance to the State and other institutions by the Union Ministry.
(xiv) Encouraging people about sterilization after the birth of two children.
(xv) To arrange special training for doctors, nurses and other health care workers.

3. National Population Policy 2000: -

The National Population Policy was re-announced in 2000. In line with the 1976 population policy, a few more issues were included in the 2000 population policy. The issues are -
(i) Improving child health infrastructure.
(ii) To make primary education compulsory for children up to 14 years.
(iii) To provide primary health care to all.
(iv) Bringing infant mortality rate below 30 per thousand.
(v) To raise awareness about contraceptive measures.
(vi) Childbirth takes place through health centers or trained staff - raising awareness for it.
(vii) Ensuring that every child is vaccinated.
(viii) Registration of matters like birth, death, vaccination etc.

In conclusion, in order to make the population policy successful and to control the population effectively, the people have to play a positive role along with the government programs. In this regard - the only way is to spread the positive role of the public, awareness and education.

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