What is social control? Discuss the means of social control.

by - November 10, 2022

What is social control? Discuss the means of social control.

Different means of social control. 

Social control and its means .

Definition / concept of social control.

Social control is a social mechanism by which the behavior of individuals living in a society can be controlled. As a result of social control, peace and order is established in the society and the society runs well.

According to MacIver and Page - Social control is a special mechanism by which social order is organized and preserved, balances with variability and makes society as a whole orderly.

Sociologist Bottomor said - Social control is a set of certain social norms, values, laws and ideals, through which the lives of individuals living in the society and the society are directed in a desired and certain way.

Sociologist Ross says - Social control is a set of rules - by which an ideal society is established.

Thus, social control is - a means or system by which the ideals and values ​​of the society are maintained, the society adjusts to the changes and establishes the ideal society by maintaining the social order.

Means of social control:-

1. Mores and Folkways :-
There are certain permanent habits or practices in society that are observed in particular situations - these are called folkways. However, customs are not always binding in folkways. Again, the morals that are established in the society are called mores. Mores and Folkways protect the ideals and values ​​of the society, maintain social peace and order and help the society to run smoothly.

2. Education :-
Education helps people walk the path of light by awakening their inherent potential. Education helps to inculcate the spirit of mutual cooperation among people. Education increases productivity and helps organize people. In short, education makes man a complete social animal. Thus education controls society by controlling people.

3. Constitutional Provisions:-
In every society the constitution is enforced by the state. Public society is bound to obey constitutional laws. Violation of these laws is punishable. As these laws are obeyed by the majority of citizens - peace and order is maintained in the society. In almost every society in the world, individuals are directly governed by constitutions.

4. Customary Law :-
There are still some societies in the world where the light of civilization has not reached. These societies are governed by their customary laws. Disturbing the peace and order of the society is punishable by the clan or clan council. Customary laws play an important role in social control in societies where modern society and polity have not developed.

5. Religious practices:-
Religion has a special connection with every human being. Generally, people have deep respect for their religion. Hence religious practices play an important role in social regulation. People are afraid to go against these religious norms and have deep faith in them. Most people lead their lives within religious norms. Thus religious norms govern society.

6. Social norms:-
In every society there exist certain social norms in addition to the laws and regulations imposed by the state. These types of customs tend to be relatively flexible. These social norms structure society and protect values. Such as the duty of parents towards children, duty of children towards elderly parents - etc.

7. Organizational norms:-
A number of social organizations can be observed in every society. Every social organization has its own norms and rules. Members of the organization are bound to abide by these rules. Thus social organizations control their members socially.

8. Media :-
All kinds of news of the larger and local society are disseminated by mass media. As a result, people can be informed about prevailing social norms, important events, government decisions and various policies, national and international situations, public attitudes in view of a particular event, etc. and can adjust themselves with social orientation. Thus mass media plays an important role in social control.

Finally, with the change of society and the evolution of time, the means of social control also change. Again, not all means are equally effective in all societies. The means of social control may vary in different societies. But in all cases the means of social control help to steer the society along a harmonious path by establishing social order.

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