Changing the background and context of the play ‘’ For a drop of water.’’

by - November 03, 2022

Changing the background and context of the play ‘’ For a drop of water.’’ 

Project work on changing the background and context and the behaviour of the characters of the play '' For a drop of water.'' 

Changing the background of an English Play.

H.S. English Project.   

For a little rest :- 

Original Play : Obak Jolpan ( For a drop of water ) written by Sukumar Roy.  

Characters :- 
(i) A traveller 
(ii) A social worker 
(iii) A political leader 
(iv) A teenage boy 
(v) A philosopher 
(vi) A teacher

Time : 12 at noon 
Place : A sub-urban city 


The traveller enters the stage. He has some luggage in his both hands. He is looking very tired and restless. His clothes are not looking so good. 

The traveller : I am going to die if I can’t find a place for a little rest right now. For the last three days I have been roaming here and there for a good place to stay. But could’t find any. Oh God I am terribly tired and right now I badly need a place for a little rest , otherwise I will die. 

[ The social worker enters the stage. He is walking over the stage from one end to other. ] 

The traveller : Hay man , listen ………..

The social worker : Are you talking to me ? 

The traveller : Yes , yes , I badly need your help . Please help me . I am in a terrible condition. 

The social worker : Yes , you found the right person. I am a social worker and I feel quite happy to help others. What is your problem ? 

The traveller : I am a traveller from a city far away from here and I am looking for a place to reside. But for three days I have been walking but have not found any place. Today I am too tired to walk even a step . Please help me ; I badly need a place for rest right now. 

The social worker : Look brother ,it is the problem of the whole civilisation. Lots of people are still homeless. In summer , in monsoon or even in summer they are there under the open sky. Our aim is to provide them at least a shelter for them. Your interest is very little , our goal is wider. 

The traveller : Please brother , please help me , I am very tired. 

The social worker : Shame on you . Millions of people are still homeless and you are crying for your own interest ! What a cheap person you are !  

The traveller : Are you mad ? Here I am requesting your help for a place to rest and you are giving the speech about civilisation !  Such an inhuman you are. Ok, leave me alone , I will find out for myself. 

The social worker : Selfish , very selfish…….. [ leaving the stage ] 

The traveller : Mad , he is surely mad. Ok, let's look a little further. 


The traveller : No, I can't stand it anymore. I feel sick. 

[ The political leader enters ] 

The traveller : Hello brother , please help me. 

The political leader : To help others is my passion. I am a political leader. I will always be there to help others. Tell me what you need ?

The traveller : I need a place for rest. I have been walking since the morning. But could’t find any place to stay. 

The political leader : Don’t worry brother ,  I will raise the matter in the assembly. The government must make a polity for those who have not a place to rest. 

The traveller : In the assembly ! 

The political leader : Yes brother , in the assembly. ( proudly ) 

The traveller : But I only need a place to rest ! 

The political leader : Don’t worry , we will force the government to make a policy for you. 

The traveller ( disappointed ) : Ok , thank you. 

[ Both left the stage ] 


[ A teenage boy is speaking with someone over the mobile phone. The traveller enters ] 

The traveller : Hello , young brother, can you help me ? 

The teenage boy : Yes, tell me , how can I help you ? 

The traveller : I have been walking for a long time. Now I badly need a place to rest. 

The teenage boy : You mean you need a chair. Look uncle this is a very small town and there is no shop to sell chairs at this moment. You may buy some wood and hire a carpenter to make a chair. It will take two or three days. 

The traveller : Two or three days ! It is impossible for me to wait for two or three days . And afterall I don't need a chair , I want a place for rest. 

The teenage boy : But without a chair, how do you get your rest ? 

The traveller : Oh God ! Ok, I don’t need a place for rest nor a chair. Thank you for your cooperation. 

The teenage boy : Then why did you ask me for that ? 

The traveller : Sorry , please forgive me . Oh…….. ( leaving from the stage ) 


The traveller : All the people seemed crazy ! My god ! 

The Philosopher ( from the background ) God ! God is a sense of ethics and honesty . But today ethics and honesty both are vanished.  

The traveller : ( Aside ) One more crazy person indeed ! (Aloud ) Who ? Who is there ? 

[ The philosopher enters ] 

The philosopher : I am a philosopher and my philosophy is to spread morality , ethics and honesty to this society. You are looking like a good person . Can you help me in this noble work ? 

The traveller : But here I badly need someone’s help .

The philosopher : Help ! What kind of help ? 

The traveller : I need a place for rest. 

The philosopher : Rest ! Don’t take a rest . Life is the other name of work and not rest. So active all the time to explore the beauty of this creation. 

The traveller : But I have been walking for a long time and now I am too tired to walk anymore. 

The philosopher :  This is your illusion. People never get tired. 

The traveller : Oh , my god , another crazy person again ! 

The philosopher : You may call me crazy; But everyone in this world is crazy in one way or another. 

The traveller : Ok , thank you , leave me alone . [ leaving the stage ] 

The philosopher : I have never seen such crazy people in my life. 


The traveller : I feel like I'm in a mental hospital. All , all are crazy………. 

[ The teacher enters . ] 

The traveller ( After looking at the teacher ) But this fellow looks sincere . Gentleman ……… gentleman ……. 

The teacher ( Some books in his hands ) : Are you calling me ? 

The traveller : Yes , yes , if you don't mind , can I ask you a question ? 

The teacher : Yes , why not ? 

The traveller : Where are you going ? 

The teacher : I am a school teacher and I am going to school . 

The traveller : Fine ,   Can you take me to your school ? I Badly need a little rest . 

The teacher : Look Mr , my school is not a place for taking rest. You may go elsewhere. 

The traveller : But I tried all the way , I have been walking since the morning and now I badly need some rest. Please help me. 

The teacher : Look Mr.  Don't take too much rest; Students who take too much rest do not perform well in exams. 

The traveller : But I am not a student . I am a middle aged man ! 

The teacher : This is your false identity. Actually everyone is a student. Even me . We all learn from this nature , from this society throughout our lives. 

The traveller : I thought you were a normal person . 

The teacher :   Yes, I am definitely a normal person; There is no reason to consider me as a noble person. 

The traveller : Oh, my God ! 

The teacher : Are you mad ? Why are you calling me god ? I am not God. I am a common man. 

The traveller : I think you are going to school .

The teacher : Oh ! I forgot that , Ok bye. [ exits ] 

The traveller : It is better not to seek rest in this city; Then I will be crazy like them. I'm leaving anyway . 

[ Curtain down slowly. ] 

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