Definition and features of Social Change.

by - March 01, 2023

Definition and features of Social Change :-

What is Social Change ? Discuss the features of social change. 

Meaning of Social Change. 

Characteristics od Social Change.

Definition and Concept of Social Change :-

The term change is multidimensional. Change refers to changing goals, skills, philosophies, beliefs and behaviors. Again change means "introduction of new". Social change refers to changes in the structure and functioning of human society. Social change refers to certain changing activities that bring about changes in the form and structure of society as a whole. This change is observed individually. The term social change is used to refer to variation and change in any aspect of social processes, social interaction and social organization.

According to McIver and Page, society is a chronology of life flows. The concept of society is dynamic, not static. Society is a process, not an outcome. Because human society is changing, modern society has evolved from primitive society to modern society. In the context of social change, McIver and Page mention three conditions, based on which society changes. For example, -
(i) Man-made changes in the environment and society.
(ii) Change in people's thoughts and beliefs and
(iii) Physical changes.

Depending on these three conditions, technological change, culture change and bio-physical change occur respectively. Society is not an object, society is a network of mutual relations between people. The dynamism observed in human interpersonal relationships, therefore brings about social change. Society is a neutral, influential, ongoing stream. The influence of society is transmitted from generation to generation. According to Sri Aurobindo, in the continuous flow of time and society, at the end of each night, at each new dawn, each past day dies and a new day is born.

Today's society is a modified version of the social system of thousands of years ago. The pace of time and the course of evolution have brought great changes in the external and internal nature of society. This change will continue in the future.

Characteristics / Features of social change:-

Among the characteristic features observed in social change, the most important are:-

(i) Social change is social in nature :-
Social change means a change in the pattern of social relations. Social relations are defined in terms of social action, social interaction and social organization. By altering these three changes, new civilizations emerge, in which the essence of the old remains. That is, social change is distinct from individual change. Both its cause and effect are social in nature.

(ii) Social change is universal :-
Social change is present in all types of societies at all times. No society is completely immobile. Society, whether old or new, urban or rural, simple or complex, agrarian or industrial, is always changing. This change can be fast or slow; But in reality there is no society without motion.

(iii) The stream of social change is unbroken :-
Social change is not constant, it is continuous. The flow of change never stops and society cannot be kept away from change. It is a seamless running method. The source, direction, rate and nature of change only change over time, but do not stop.

(iv) Social change is inevitable :-
Social change is inevitable. New needs, trying to bring change, these are human instincts. Human needs are unlimited and they change with time. To meet those needs, social change becomes inevitable.

(v) Social change is temporary :-
Any particular social change is temporary. Change in any object or event takes time. In some cases the results of a social change are seen quickly, while in other cases it takes ages to get the intended results from a particular social state. Similarly, some social changes spread quickly, while others quickly fade into memory. This is true of revolutions, styles, customs, and culture.

(vi) Social change is not homogeneous :-
Although social change occurs throughout time, its rate or speed is not always the same. Its rates vary from one society to another and even within the context of the same society at different times. Sometimes this rate is very fast, sometimes slow. This speed depends on the nature of the society. For example, open and closed societies have different rates of change of the same type. Again, there are differences in the rates of change in urban and rural areas. This difference is also present in modern or archaic societies.

(vii) Social change can be both planned and unplanned :-
In some cases, social change is planned, in some cases it can be unplanned. The changes that naturally occur in society are really unplanned. These unplanned changes are spontaneous, sudden, or the result of an impulsive decision. Usually the changes brought about by natural disasters like floods, droughts, famines, eruptions etc. are unplanned. Humans have no control over the rate and direction of these unplanned social changes.

It is human nature to desire change. So in many cases any plan or activity is adopted by the people with the purpose of bringing about the desired change in the society. These are planned changes. Because they are conscious and intentional, humans have control over the direction and speed of such changes in most cases. An example can be said about the planned social change is the various five-year plans adopted by the government of our country.

(viii) Social change is multi - causal :-
Social change may be influenced by one particular factor, but in reality it is related to many other similar factors. Structural, biological, demographic, cultural, technological etc. many other factors give rise to change through interaction. The reason for this is the interdependence of social events.

(ix) Sources of gradual feedback :-
Since the various parts of society are closely related to each other, any social change tends to produce a series of interrelated reactions rather than a single reaction. For example, women's economic independence in society does not only change their position; At the same time home, environment, family relations, marital relations - all these areas also bring many changes.

(x) Predictions of social change are uncertain :-
Advocacy has a special importance in social change. But the predictions that can be made on this subject are full of uncertainty. There are three main reasons for this.
(a) Social change does not follow any fixed principle.
(b) Causes of social change do not remain in the same state for eternity. And
(c) The course of social change is not uniform in all areas.

Apart from the above it can be said that the nature of social change is sometimes qualitative or quantitative. Since it does not give rise to any sense of good or bad, intended or unintended, it is a matter without definite value. It is related to evolution, improvement and development but is distinct from these concepts.

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