Role of education in social change.

by - March 03, 2023

Role of education in social change.

Education and Social Change 

Relation between Education and Social Change.

Education and Social Transformation. 

Role of Education in Social Change. 

As there is no alternative process to educate the vast masses of the country without the expansion of education; Implementation of democratic ideals is not possible without such an educated public. Every positive step towards democratic ideals ensures change and progress in the social system and social life.

Society and human life are always dynamic and changing. In the course of evolution, human life is changing at every moment. Following that trend, education is also ever-changing, because education, society and human life—every element is interrelated. The seeds of the present are hidden in the education and culture of our past, and the infrastructure of the future is built upon the present. In this case, education helps to build the social structure of the future based on the foundations of the past. Change in society is undoubtedly the result of an evolutionary process and education is one of its means.

Democracy is the ideal of almost every state in the present world and one of the goals of this ideal is to build a class-free, exploitation-free, ideal democratic society. In this type of society education helps the individual to acquire human qualities by imparting higher education to the individual.

John Dewey and Kothari Commission's opinion: - John Dewey considered education as a process of development - growth of each individual on the path directed by society. He thinks that education is the socially directed growth of every person. As we know, education is considered as the main tool to develop every person of the country as a resource. In fact, to strengthen the development of the country and the nation, it is very important to make the environment of modern technology-based agriculture, industry, vehicles, market and transaction healthy and prosperous. In this context, just as science and technology should be used to use all the natural resources of the country appropriately, education infrastructure should be used appropriately for production. In this context, the statement of the Kothari Commission is - Changes in the knowledge, skill, interests and values of the people as a whole.

It is undeniable that along with the change in society, there is a need for change and sophistication in education. If the image of the future social change can be presented to the present generation through education, then their current education can definitely play a role in the future change. To make society fit for future life, it needs to change and reform, and education plays an important role in this change.

How education becomes a tool for social change:-

(a) By making illiterate people literate.
(b) To promote a proper sense of industrialization and urbanization.
(c) Explain the issues related to population growth and the problems related to it.
(d) Conceptualization of country-specific policies in line with population growth.
(e) sets out information regarding determination of the extent of private ownership in addition to state investment.
(f) Globalization, Economic Liberalization, Modernization - etc. by properly presenting the issues.
(g) Plays a major role in the development of social sense, perception and consciousness.

As a result, education has to highlight the necessary issues of social change by infrastructural and other thematic instructions in educational institutions. Education is the embodiment of social change through cultural revolution. Equality, justice, sense of democracy, universal education, education for expansion of agro-industry, education for population control suitable for economic development, research-oriented education for development of scientific and technical skills, education for adaptation and adaptation to social change - all these issues are spread through education for social change. 

Finally it can be said that education as a valuable tool for social change -
(1) Embraces cultural values and thus takes initiatives to preserve culture and sustain society.
(2) outlines the political context of the new society.
(3) Explains changes in social norms, restrictions and other rules.
(4) Transmits and circulates the religious sentiments and perceptions of the future in the masses. 
(5) The future society can adopt different steps of social change embodying various socio-political developmental trends.

Again, no one can deny the need to create appropriate and qualified human resources through education to transform the people's appropriate knowledge, skills, interests and values. That is why the Kothari Commission's recommendation has rightly said that "The development of human resources through a properly organized program of education" is very necessary for proper and necessary change in the society.

Education and social change have a two way traffic.
- Kothari Commission.

"Education is expected to change the attitude and values among people and create in them a desire for progress."
- Kothari Commission.

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