Factors of Social Change.

by - March 04, 2023

Which factors are responsible for social change ? 

Factors of Social Change.

Elements of Social Change.

Factors of Social Change.

Social change is a complex social process. This change in society takes place through various elements. So no single factor is responsible for social change. Different types of elements are effective in different societies. Again, in terms of country and time, the material can change; As a result, many variations can be observed in the field of social change. So it cannot be said in a word that social change will be implemented through any of the elements, but sociologists have been engaged in exploring some specific elements. So in terms of sociologists review we can identify some specific elements like :-
1. organic matter
2. Technical elements
3. cultural elements
4. Psychological factors
5. Economic factors

1. Organic factors of social change :-

The importance of organic matter as one of the elements of social change cannot be denied. A number of factors have been identified as biological factors in social change. These are population decline - growth due to birth and death and its social consequences, sexual selection etc.

In the judgment of sociologists, the review of social change through population decline - growth is considered very significant. Changes in population size have a variety of effects on social change. This effect is evident especially in the case of conventional financial systems, social behavior, values, customs etc. But population growth is not the last word in social change.

Among the social factors that have influence in controlling population decline are social practices such as polygamy, child marriage, widow marriage, and social activities related to the treatment of diseases, diseases, epidemics, etc.

The main goal of modern society is to control birth and death rates. As a result, the goal of increasing health awareness among the people has been set, along with this, various awareness programs have been adopted to control the birth rate.

2. Technical factors of social change :-

The importance of technological elements in social change is undeniable. Sociologist Professor Kingsley Davis (K. Davis) said that science refers to part of the cultural inheritance of people. It develops coherent knowledge about nature and technology is the practical aspect of this developed knowledge. The concept of technology has been widely accepted in sociology. Here the expected success of technology in social life is highlighted on supporting and changing mental formations and social structures. According to the sociologist Foster, technological progress does not mean only earthly and technological development - it is a special kind of social, cultural and psychological process.

A systematic review of how social change occurs as a result of technology reveals that –
(a) Fundamental changes in the production system are brought about by the impact of technology. The quality and quantity of production also improved.
(b) Industrial as well as agricultural production is also affected by the impact of technology. In a country where parallel progress of agriculture and industry takes place, the change in the socio-economic field of the country is certain.
(c) Due to the impact of technology, daily necessities are easily available. As a result of the use of various technologies in daily life, people's manual labor is reduced, happiness and comfort are increased.
(d) People become involved in and benefit economically when diversified production systems develop.
(e) The spread of technology also changes the relationship between men and women. In recent times, along with the expansion of women's education, the establishment of women's status and empowerment, there have also been various changes and expansions of education about marriage.
(f) The spread of technology is capable of bringing about fundamental changes in human mentality. By this people have become scientific minded and have developed professional mentality.
(g) Technology has also changed the social structure and as a result social life has become almost free of superstitions. A revolutionary change is taking place in the class structure.
(h) The impact of technology is also influencing the functioning of the state. By this the functions of the state have not only changed but also multiplied.

3. Cultural Elements of social change :-

Culture as an integral part of human society is the theoretical creation of man. Culture is the overall identity of human society. This culture is considered to be another underlying factor of social change. In reality culture is not a static thing, but it changes slowly. Culture is realized through people's thoughts, consciousness, sense of justice, and ideal values. When these change, culture also changes. The pace of cultural change is accelerated by the influence of science and technology. Again the effect of cultural change also affects the change of technology.

4. Psychological components of social change :-

Human society is also considered a specific psychological organization. Human psychology operates deeply within the interactions that occur in human society. No change can be considered acceptable in the real sense, unless people accept the change psychologically. Hence the psychological component is identified as the most significant component of social change. Psychological factors work in social change in various ways such as:-
(a) In a real sense people are self-centered, as a result conflicts, discrimination etc. develop in the society. Recent single family formation is a significant aspect of psychological change.
(b) Reciprocity can bring about special psychological changes in society.
(c) People's taste changes with the change of time. As a result, social change is inevitable.
(d) The role of individuals in social change is significant. Their patriotism, ideals, thoughts, etc. spread influence on the psyche of common people, resulting in accelerated psychological change of people.

5. Economic Factors of social change :-

The importance of economic factors in social change is considered significant. Finance is a very necessary organization of the social system. Apart from it, the position of the social system is not thought of. People's behavior, customs etc. have a special influence on the traditional financial system. The influence of this element is observed in the field of cultural life. Eminent social scientist V. Pareto said that economic prosperity and recession play a special role in social change. Again the economic factor depends a lot on other active factors in the society.

So it can be said that social change is a universal phenomenon. Some aspects of the society will change, and some aspects will not change - nothing can be said like this. That is, the entire society is subject to change. But which ones change faster and which ones change more slowly. Various parts of society are interrelated. Multiple factors play a significant role in the transformation of society. These elements are also interrelated.

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