Relationship between Education and Sociology:-

by - March 05, 2023

Relationship between Education and Sociology:-

Discuss the relation between Education and Sociology.

How Education and Sociology are interdependent ? 

The relation between Education and Sociology .

Education and Sociology are interdependent. Various theories and data of social science have had a special influence on various elements of education and have had a significant impact on the modern education system and the overall education system. In fact, the progress of both individuals and society is impossible without education in the process of effective adaptation to the change and transformation of social life.

Individual, Society and Sociology in Education:-
A person's useful adaptive capacity is a result of biology, but that adaptive capacity cannot be made useful to society by disregarding the principles of social relations. Therefore, the valuable influence of various principles of sociology as a practicing science of social relations in education should never be neglected. Modern sociology has a close relationship with education as it lays special emphasis on the characteristic interactions and mutual social relations between different elements of society.
The development of the learner in the social background through education is taken as the ultimate goal and the interaction of the various elements of education with the learner in realizing this goal is considered meaningful and valuable.

Integrated Forms of Education and Sociology:-
In the era of modern child-centred education, the integration of all conflicting ideas in the field of education has been embodied in reality. In this 21st century integrated education system, the contribution of sociology like psychology, biology etc. is equally important. It is undeniable that when the state of human thought changes due to the influence of different eras, the change in social outlook also takes place and this change in outlook has an equal impact on the boundaries of education.
Similarly, the clash of conflicting ideas of the 20th century in the field of education resulted in the form of coherent education and in this form of education, the contribution of social science, which practices social relations like other social sciences, is no less.

Meaning, Significance of Education and relation with society :-
If the impact of sociology on various aspects of education can be determined more clearly, it will be possible to reveal the close relationship between sociology and education. We do not understand education today as the imposition of knowledge on the learner at the will of an adult. Education in the modern sense is the various experiences that people accumulate in a life-long process till death.
In the modern education of this experience man can never neglect the norms of mutual social relations. And this is where education is a social process and a science closely related to sociology. It is on the basis of this close relationship with sociology that education works to preserve the society, transforms the cultural environment of the society and engages itself as a significant means of social progress. So the meaning and significance of modern education is well founded on the theory of sociology.

Aims of Education and Sociology:-
The influence of social science in determining the goals of education is also obvious. In short, the goal of modern education is to make education person-oriented and the learner social-oriented. Both individual and societal needs are equally important in determining this goal of modern education. In a word, the aim of modern education is a coherent and integrated form of the aims of individualistic and socialist education.
A society in which this combination of education is possible is a democratic society in the words of the educator Dewey. The special type of education introduced in this social system helps to develop in each individual a sense of self-interest in all social relations and social control and provides motivation to develop a social personality in each individual. The reflection of the social perspective is also evident in the Mudaliyar Commission's setting of educational goals.

Sociology and curriculum  :-
The influence of social science is equally evident not only in determining the aims of education but also in designing the curriculum of modern education. These principles of curriculum design reflect the sociological perspective so clearly that in modern education curriculum is seen not only as a collection of subjects - it is seen as a collection of experiences provided by the school. Here the integrated form of the student's personal needs and his various social needs can be observed.
In the educational system of the present world, the curriculum is designed in such a way that two factors play a very important role behind it - one is the nature or natural interest of the child and the other is social necessity. And the importance of social needs in curriculum is the influence of social science. So the curriculum planning of modern education is dependent on the principles and theories of sociology.

Pedagogy and Sociology:-
The influence of sociology in curriculum planning is important such as; The impact of sociology on the modern education system cannot be ignored as well. At present, the main point of education is to help students gain experience by increasing self-activity. As a complement to this principle of self-activity, the principle of work-centered learning has been adopted in education today. Such a method of education is now called scientific and dynamic which is able to be taught through work.
The underlying theory and principles behind these work-centered learning methods are that they motivate people to work cooperatively, increase their cooperative spirit, and help develop social skills, competence, and other interpersonal qualities. So the principles of the modern work-centred education system are based on the theories and principles of sociology.

School Organization, Management and Sociology:-
The impact of social science on the school organization system in modern education is very clear and important. School is considered a miniature version of society and according to educator Dewey, it is the real simplified and harmonized society.
Not only in terms of organization, but also in fulfilling social responsibility, school work is significant. In fact, the contribution of schools to the socialization of students embodies the influence of sociology. The social responsibility of the school is very significant in the preservation of society, transmission of socio-culture and development of society.
Moreover, different social organizations other than schools also act as mediums of education and schools have to fulfill their responsibilities on the basis of mutual social relations with them. Thus it appears that in modern education the influence of sociology in the organization of schools, in determining the duties of schools, and in determining the relation of schools to other social educational institutions, is particularly characteristic.

Duties, Responsibilities of Modern Teacher and Social Sciences :-
The changes that have been made about the duties and responsibilities of the modern teacher are more or less centered on the principles and theories of sociology. In modern education a teacher is the student's friend, philosopher and guide. In this work, the teacher has to understand the principles of mutual good relationship in a scientific way if he is to be a good practitioner.

Brown states that the teacher himself will acquire knowledge and take on the role of director in their processual use of social relations. The impact of sociology on this changing awareness of the teacher's responsibilities and duties is obvious.

Human Relations and Sociology in Education:-
Finally, in modern education, special importance is given to the development and growth of human relations and the social interactions of student , teacher, headmaster parents etc. are highly valued in the educational process. Here too the influence of social science exists. The above system of determining human relations embodies the influence of sociology through the application of social strategies in education.

It can be concluded that various principles and theories of social science have particularly influenced various elements of education. Therefore, scientific analysis of the nature of modern education without considering the principles and theories of social science is impossible and any such attempt is an illusory attempt.

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