Definition, characteristics and importance of social groups.

by - March 06, 2023

Definition, characteristics and importance of social groups.

Discuss the definition and characteristics and importance of social groups.

What is a social group ? What are the features of social groups ? 

Importance of social groups.

Definition of Social Group :-

Regarding the definition of social group, Professor Bottomore says –
"Social group is a group of individuals who - 1. between which there is a definite correlation and 2. All of whom are aware of group life and its symbolic forms.

According to McIver and Page,
By social group we mean a collection of individuals related to each other in specific social relationships. Here groups are the interrelationships of individuals.

According to Geisbert,
A social group is a group of people interacting with each other and having a recognized organization.

According to Bogardus,
When several people have similar objectives and are responsive to each other and perform similar activities out of a common responsibility, it is called a social group.

That is, to be a social group - 1. Must have more than one member, 2. There must be correlation between its members.
So we can say that when two or more people are organized in a mutually established manner, it is called a group or social group.

Characteristics / Features of Social Groups:-

1. Aggregation of individuals :- A social group is an aggregate of individuals. Groups cannot be formed without individuals. Individuals are units of groups. Group formation requires the interaction of individuals. That is, individuals are collectively considered as groups when they are included in the interaction.

2. Interrelationship of Individuals :- Any collection of individuals alone is not called a group. Interaction between group members is essential to group formation. It forms the basis of the group. According to sociologists, this relationship does not always have to be physical, it can be emotional as well.

3. Mutual understanding:- A mutual cooperation, companionship and exchange of feelings can be observed among the members of the social group.

4. Group Consciousness :- A kind of consciousness is awakened in the mind of the members of the group by which he finds his relation with his group. He realizes that he is not isolated; He is part of a larger whole. This group consciousness helps the person to be cooperative and empathetic towards others. This group spirit inculcates team spirit among individual members and this attitude gives precedence to group interest over individual interest.

5. ‘’We - Sense’’ :- This sense works among members of a group that we belong to the same group or share the same common life. This sense separates group members from other group members. Naturally, the identity of the group is created from the We feeling. We are all in one, we are all for each other - this mindset of group members is very helpful in group formation and preservation. With such an attitude, physical intimacy often becomes secondary.

6. Unity and Solidarity :- The members of the group are bound by a bond of unity. Group solidarity is born from this unity. This solidarity or sense of unity teaches and motivates members to respond to each other's appeals. This unity and cohesion within the group binds the members together.

7. Common Purpose :- Interests and ideals of group members are similar. A person belongs to a group only when his interests are the same as those of others in that group. Thus a common purpose is seen among group members.

8. Uniform behavior and way of life :- Members of a group have common interests or needs and as they are interrelated, they strive jointly to satisfy those needs. Thus it can be seen that their behavior is also identical. It is from this behavioral similarity that they become partakers of a common way of life.

9. Rules :- Every group has some rules. Group members generally adhere to them or are sometimes obligated to adhere to them. The group directly or indirectly pressures its members to conform to them. If the individual does not comply with these even on his own, he is dismissed from the group.

10. Group Size :- Can be both small and large. Groups can be made up of just two people, while millions of people can make up a single group. For example, husband and wife form a group called family. A political party is also a group which may have millions of members.

11. Group is dynamic :- Group is not static. Its size, shape, membership, purpose, functions etc. change. As group members die on one side, new members are born on the other. Again, its change can be observed under the influence of an external force.

12. Permanence :- Group is pretty much a permanent organization. However, there are some groups whose objectives are limited, they disappear when the objectives are fulfilled in a short period of time. In this context it is said that collective living requires some long-term stability or continuity. Otherwise, the group does not form.

13. Property :- Every group has some property. But property does not mean only material things. They can also be emotional and spiritual. Buildings, money, flags, particular ideologies etc. are considered property of the group.

14. Personality Factors :- Individual's personality is discovered and developed within the group. That is, the group directly or indirectly affects the individual's personality.

Importance of Social Groups:-

Group life is one of the foundations of human society. The position, structure, continuity and change of society depend on the functioning of groups. An individual from birth to death i.e. his entire life course flows through the group. It is here that he finds recognition and transcendence as a 'social organism'. Without inclusion in group life, the individual cannot meet his daily needs, nor can he withdraw from society. So he has to be a member of multiple groups starting from family to clubs, organizations, friendship groups, professional organizations etc. It is through these that the individual finds his social wholeness. However, the importance of social groups can be reviewed as follows.

1. Human survival without a group is extremely difficult if not impossible. Because, people get the opportunity to sustain their existence, pursue various interests and fulfill their goals only through groups.

2. Man cannot change from an animal to a social being without a social environment. He becomes socialized through socialization and this socialization takes place with the help of various groups. That is, it is groups that make the individual "man" and develop his social character. So it is said that Man only becomes man among men.

3. Group life is part of social life. It is an integral part of social life. The members of the group have mutual relations, and the web of these mutual relations is the society. Therefore, not only the existence of the individual, but also the existence of the society depends on the group.

4. The group instills in its members a kind of group consciousness, whereby the individual realizes that he is not alone in the world, but part of a whole. Thus the group provides assurance and security in the mind of the individual about its existence.

5. Group rules are current. Group members generally adhere to these. The group compels its members to do so if the individual does not want to do so voluntarily. In this way the individual learns to conform to the rules by being included in the group life.

6. A group attitude operates among group members. This attitude awakens respect, sympathy, love, kindness, compassion etc. in the person. In other words, such expression of human qualities and emotions is the product of group life.

7. The group fulfills its objectives through various institutions. These institutions are of various types. So it is said that the structure of social institutions is created by groups.

8. Groups play an active role in personality formation. Personality refers to an integrated pattern of physical and mental characteristics of a person. A person's personality with these characteristics is formed and developed within the group.

9. Within the group the individual acquires and applies its cultural elements. Our clan is the bearer and bearer of our culture.

10. Finally, it can be said that the overall identity of the individual is carried by his group.

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