Role of Social Groups in Education

by - March 06, 2023

Role of Social Groups in Education :-

Role of primary and secondary social groups in Education. 

Role of primary social group in education :-

Role of Secondary Social Groups in Education :-

How social groups and education related with each other ? 

Role of Social Groups in Education :-

No individual is outside of society, society operates and evolves through the interaction of individuals and other institutions of society. Every element involved in individual life is influenced by society and its intervening groups. One such social process in individual life is education. As the society is dynamic, the education system is also dynamic based on that formula. Again social groups are divided into two groups - primary group and secondary group. The role of social groups in learning and evolution is discussed below.

Role of primary social group in education :-

1. The primary social group is regarded as the gateway to personality development. The process of socialization that a person takes part in through social interactions such as family, friends, etc., plays a very important role in the formation of personality.

2. It is within the primary social group that the individual's self is revealed. It is in these primary groups of interpersonal relationships that the individual's inherent potential develops and manifests.

3. Primary social groups are the essential foundation of society. The child born within the family or primary group. It is within the family that the child's personality begins to develop. Family plays an important role in socialization as the primary group such as sports organizations or clubs, friendship groups etc.

4. Primary social groups are the bearers and carriers of culture. These groups continue to play cultural and other roles. As the awareness increases after the birth of the individual, other socially accepted behaviors, manners, values, right and wrong etc. are mastered from the primary group.

5. According to McIver and Page, the family as the primary group allows the child to explore the complex mysteries of society, and peer groups help the child to creatively express his social emotions.

6. The primary group is particularly helpful in addressing the child's psychological needs, desires, tendencies to develop close relationships, etc.

7. It is through the primary group that emotional and tender skills like affection, love, compassion etc. are developed in the child. These soft skills are very important in individual and social life.

8. The sincere compassion and loving atmosphere of the primary group helps to change the selfish attitude of the children. Children are transformed into a "we" attitude through the primary group from "I" thinking.

9. As a result of the unprecedented advancement of science and technology and globalization in today's society, people's thoughts and lifestyles have all changed. Dependence of people on primary groups is greatly reduced. Yet primary groups such as family, friend groups continue to play an important role in the development of a child's personality and preparation for social life.

10. Other social processes, such as cooperation, competition, conflict, etc., develop around the primary group and individual identity.

Role of Secondary Social Groups in Education :-

As a result of the progress of human civilization, the interests of people are being manifested in many ways. Secondary Social Groups play special roles to achieve various objectives. The explosion of science-based technology today has made expert advice essential. Therefore, different types of large and small advisory groups have been developed in the need of education and social life. From education to commerce and various professional sub-groups have developed thereby opening doors of various opportunities to the individual. By taking advantage of all these opportunities, people have established themselves in various fields.

Professor Vidyabhushan and Sachdev said - "The secondary groups have opened channels of opportunity." They provide a greater chance to develop individual talents.

At present the overall development of the child has been identified as the goal of education. A child's reservoir of infinite potential. Secondary Social Groups are essential to make it fully manifest. Along with study , secondary groups are needed to develop arts, music, drama, technology, etc. For example - literature groups , Drama Music Society, art and hand-craft societies - etc. Through such various high quality institutions and organizations, the child's latent qualities get a chance to be fully expressed and developed.

Secondary Social Groups are subject to democratic processes. Here everyone is considered equally acceptable. Through this type of role of the secondary group, the sense of democracy is awakened in the students.

As the secondary social groups are large in size, different social interests can be fulfilled simultaneously to a greater extent. Moreover, it is time-consuming and costly to carry out the responsibilities of these sub-groups personally. So everyone is bound to belong to some secondary group.

In this context, it should be remembered that the demand for basic subjects has reduced to a large extent today. Instead, the importance of practical knowledge and technical education has increased. In accordance with these changing social conditions, the role of secondary groups has become very important for the successful management of education and industry. This trend is seen in the field of education all over the world. Just as there is a need for primary groups in society on the one hand, the need for secondary groups with special objectives is also deeply felt in today's society.

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