The relationship between psychology and education.

by - April 13, 2023

The relationship between psychology and education. 

How are psychology and education related to each other? 

The relationship between psychology and education.

In discussing the relation between psychology and education, it is necessary to know the meaning of psychology and education. Psychology is the objective science of human behavior. That is, psychology is the science of studying behavior - which helps to explain human behavior, control policies and predict the future.
On the other hand, by education we mean the mastery of those behaviors, which are necessary for the development of both individuals and society. Hence, it can be said that psychology determines the nature and patterns of mental activity by observing the behavior of individuals. And the applied aspect of that behavior is the content of education.

1. Aims of education and relation with Psychology :-
In the words of Adams, "The teacher teaches John Latin." this sentence gives a good understanding of the relationship between education and psychology. The teacher should know the subject of education as well as the person being taught i.e. the student. Knowledge of psychology is required to know the student. Setting the goals of education is not the only task of pedagogy; Realizing this goal is also one of its objectives. The role of educational psychology is very important in this regard.

2. Curriculum and Psychology :-
The next stage in defining learning objectives is curriculum planning. Curriculum should be determined keeping in view the objectives of education. The goal of modern education is not only intellectual development but also all-round development of the student. So the curriculum will be suitable for the overall development of the student. This versatility of curriculum in education depends on the concept of psychology. That is why knowledge of psychology is essential for designing the curriculum to meet the multifaceted development and educational goals of the student.

3. Teaching methods, assessment and psychology:-
Teaching methods come after the curriculum. Modern education system tries to activate all the senses of the student. Students will be listeners and teachers will be directors - this theory has now been proven to be numb. Instead of the teacher-centered approach, the learner-centered approach being used today is based on psychology. The role of psychology is very important in the modern concept of evaluation of educational level, strategy determination and implementation, determination of its significance etc.

4. Mental health of teachers and students and psychology:-
Mental health is essential for both teachers and students. Otherwise neither teaching nor learning can be done effectively. What is mental health, what are the signs of mental health, how to have healthy mental health - etc. are all topics of psychology - which are especially needed in education.

5. Educational Guidance and Counselling and relation with psychology:-
Modern education is spread through educational guidance and counseling. Designing appropriate educational plans for students, providing educational information, solving educational problems, advising students on various aspects of puberty, helping students develop career choices - etc. are part of psychology.

6. Education for Exceptional or specially abled Children:-
Exceptional i.e. gifted, backward and differently abled children require special education. How to identify these children and various aspects of their behavior are discussed in detail - which is especially important for planning their education. In this regard, the knowledge of psychology is definitely needed for education.

7. Research in Education and Psychology:-
Research in psychology is of particular importance in the development of education. The contribution of psychology research can be seen in making education more scientific and proper. Research findings on mental processes such as attention, memory, learning, communication, general ability etc. have helped and continue to improve the education system.

8. School Management and Psychology: -
One of the most important aspects of the education system is the proper management of schools. It is now clearly proven that the application of management psychology can lead to greater excellence in school management. School management can be further improved by applying the principles of educational management psychology to accomplish the functions of the school by developing good relationships among the school's human resources, such as teachers, students, teaching staff and parents.

9. Class Management and Psychology:-
How to start a class, how to hold students' attention and focus, how to control class discipline, how to coordinate individual and group learning in the classroom - etc., can be improved by applying various principles of psychology.

Thus, psychology and education are deeply related to each other. 

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