differences between rural and urban society

by - September 18, 2023

Difference between village society and urban society. 

What are the basic differences between rural and urban society ?  

Basic differences between rural and urban society. 

Rural Society :-
Rural society is different from any other society for characteristic reasons. The Indian subcontinent is predominantly rural township. For ages, the village-society had survived here in an unchanged form. The basic foundation of rural society was the self-sufficient village community. The people of the village used to produce all the materials they needed by themselves. As a result, their contact with outside villages or towns was very limited. Rural society refers to such a population which mainly consists of farming and peasant society. Nelson said in his book ‘ Rural Sociology’ , " rural society or village  is a community with a Statistically population of less than 2,500."

Urban Society :- 
Urban, City, Town etc. are common English synonyms. The city is built with solid buildings, wide paved roads, noise of people, dynamic life dependent on machines. For a township to be recognized as a city, town or municipal area, it must have a high population and an abundance of non-agricultural occupations. According to sociologist Dr. William Munro, urban society consists of a large population, numerous dwellings within a small area, autonomous municipal authorities, various economic institutions and the busy life of people rushing to make a living. According to Louis Wirth, a city is a relatively large, dense and densely populated group of socially diverse people.  Alvin Boskoff mentions some characteristics of urban society. These are: a) Priority of non-agricultural occupations related to industry, commerce and trade, b) systematic division of labour, c) over-density of population and d) loose social control of familiar relations.

Difference between rural and urban society: 

Despite similarities in many areas, there are fundamental differences between rural and urban societies. The contrast between rural and urban society is observed externally- 

1. Rural society is based on agriculture. On the other hand, urban society is based on industrial production and services. 

2. The culture of the rural society is traditional . On the other hand, urban society is advanced and modern. 

3. Rural societies do not have fixed demographic constraints. A village usually has one to ten thousand people living there. On the other hand, for a township to become a city, at least 50,000 people must live there. Some megacities are home to more than one crore people. 

4. Population density is very low in villages. On the other hand, population density is much higher in cities. 

5. In rural societies, most of the land is used for agricultural production, except for homesteads and water bodies. On the other hand, there is almost no agricultural land in urban areas. 

6. People's occupation in rural society is agriculture, small business, daily wage and local occupational population. On the other hand, urban society is dominated by non-agricultural manufacturing and service occupations. 

7. Education rate in rural society is low, highly educated people rarely live in villages. On the other hand, the education rate is relatively high in urban society. Many educated and highly educated people live in the urban areas. 

8. Civil facilities like gas, electricity, education, health, communication etc. are relatively less in rural society. On the other hand, urban society has more and better civic amenities including gas, electricity, education, health, sewage. 

9. Social control in rural society is based on clans, customs and values. On the other hand, law and statutory institutions play a central role in urban society. 

10. The power structure of rural society is notable for the existence of traditional elements such as agricultural land, large clans, clan status, etc. On the other hand, influential professions, education, cash, luxury houses and cars, ownership of industrial and commercial establishments, political influence etc. have a strong role in the urban society. 

11. Occupational mobility in rural society is less than in urban areas. Rural people feel more comfortable in traditional occupations. But due to the emergence of new professions in urban areas, there is a dynamic character in the professional field. 

12. A wide difference is observed between the village society and the urban society in terms of the family system. Joint families are commonly observed in Indian village societies. But in urban areas, single families are almost everywhere. However, the existence of joint families in the village society is under question today.

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