Structural and functional changes in the family system.

by - November 01, 2023

Structural and functional changes in the family system.

Changing family structure.  

Structural and functional changes in the family system.

Changing family structure.  

The family system has undergone several structural and functional changes over the past several decades. In earlier social systems families were mainly joint families. Its membership was naturally large in size. In the modern social system, the joint family system is broken and single family is formed. The reason for this is not only the predominance of individualism; One of the reasons is that people's livelihood is centered on industry. 

1. Control of sexual desire:- 
This role of family has not changed much till now. The creation of the socially recognized family through the marriage system and the control of sexual desire by it still takes place. However, the marriage system has undergone considerable changes. However, it is true that in western countries, the practice of having sex with multiple people before marriage has increased. In all those countries, in addition to the legal means of creating a family for establishing sexual relations, the trend of contractual living together or live together is increasing. All these changes have rippled through our social system. 

2. Changes in reproduction :- 
Regarding reproduction in family, parents in Western countries are not currently interested in having more children. As there are no children anywhere in the western family, this is considered as one of the "gloring feature" of the family. In ancient Hindu families earlier parents used to give birth to more number of children, but nowadays husband and wife consider one or two children enough in the family. The issue of child reproduction is now not by chance, but by choice. 

3. Changes in parenting and educational roles:- 
At present, in a single family, as the husband and wife are busy with family and economic work and the absence of other members, the responsibility of child rearing and education naturally falls on non-family organizations such as creches, nursery schools, dormitories, kindergartens, etc. Earlier these were done within the family, by family members. 

4. Change the role regarding family security :- 
Previously, the family provided all kinds of security to all the members of the family. At present a few members of a single family themselves suffer from social insecurity at various times. In such families physically and mentally challenged, sick, elderly members are usually not given the responsibility of looking after and protecting them. These are currently done by organizations such as hospitals, homes for the disabled, nursing homes, etc.

5. Changes in economic roles:-
Earlier households were called production units. That is, the family produced most of the necessary consumer goods besides earning cash. Today's households are consumption units. That is, only cash is earned in such a family. One has to rely heavily on the sole market for consumer goods – etc. 

6. Changes the role in socialization:- 
Socialization in earlier societies was done entirely within the family. Non-family organizations play a greater role in socialization than the family in today's society. In this context, it can be said that the parents were not much aware of the all round development of the child through socialization in the previous generation. But the parents of the modern generation are quite aware of this. Parents of the present generation think a lot about the child's physical and mental development, his progress in school, career, etc. Naturally they depend on all kinds of institutions for the overall development of the child. In this case, the role of the family is diminishing. 

7. Changes in functions relating to imposition of status:- 
Earlier a person's status was determined on the basis of his family status. This was their imposed status. But now a person's status is determined on the basis of his qualifications, profession, income and social qualities. That is, in this case the importance of family has decreased considerably. 

8. Changes the role of family in the field of entertainment :- 
Earlier the entertainment needs of the family members were met by the family members themselves. Eating and drinking together, sports, laughter - these were the means of entertainment. But nowadays family members satisfy their entertainment needs through commercial media and organizations like radio-TV, movies, clubs, bars, restaurants, dance clubs, mobile phones, internet etc. At present, the family has no role in this regard. 

9. Changing role of women:-
"Men for field, women for hearth" - these were the basic concepts in patriarchal joint families. But nowadays the role of women is not limited to domestic work and has expanded to a great extent. They have established equal authority with men in all social, economic and political fields. Just like that, the role of women has expanded from family decision-making to areas of authority in the family. Women today are no longer oppressed, especially in the context of the global women's movement of the 70s. Therefore, their roles in the family and outside the family have changed drastically. 

Besides, the awakening of self-centeredness or individualism among family members, religious reforms, changes in customs, reluctance to ancient beliefs, etc., the mindset of not carrying traditions, etc., continue to undergo various changes and the functional and structural characteristics of the family are undergoing radical transformation.

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