Definition and characteristics of Intelligence:-

by - February 18, 2024

Definition and characteristics of Intelligence:-

What is Intelligence ? What are the features of Intelligence ?  

Definition of Intelligence 

Concept of Intelligence

One of the factors that are particularly helpful in learning is intelligence. In literal sense intelligence is -
"The capacity to acquire and apply knowledge"
That is, intelligence is the ability to acquire knowledge and the ability to apply it when needed.
According to psychologists, intelligence is a mental ability. It is necessary in any human activity.

According to psychologist Stern, intelligence is the general mental ability to effectively adapt to new problems or situations in life.

According to Buckingham, the ability to learn is called intelligence.

According to Thurstone, intelligence is the ability to live through trial and error.

The various definitions of intelligence can be combined to say – Intelligence is a mental power that enables a person to think about complex and abstract issues, adapt to new situations by solving various problems in a short period of time, acquire knowledge, skills and techniques in various subjects. One can interpret new situations with the help of previously acquired experience or knowledge, and can arrive at a conclusion by determining the correct relationship of various factors, and can employ one's work force to achieve an objective, restraining impulses as necessary.

Characteristics of intelligence:-

Features of intelligence :- 

1. Learning based on prior experience:-
Intelligence is a mental ability that helps to solve various problems of the present through previously acquired knowledge or experience. That is, intelligence helps us learn different things by using past experiences.

2. Helps to adapt to changing environment :-
One of the most important functions of intelligence is to help adapt to changing environment i.e. new environment. Earth's environment is ever-changing. With the help of intelligence, people have been able to adapt themselves to that environment and have been able to maintain their existence in the world today. According to William Stern, intelligence is the general ability to adapt to new problems or situations in life.

3. Help in thinking about complex and abstract topics:-
With the help of intellect we can think about subtle, complex and abstract things. In fact, when we think about something in general, we take the help of concrete things like language, metaphors, etc. But when thinking about philosophical theories we have to resort to abstract means. According to psychologists, intelligence is particularly helpful in advanced types of abstract thinking. Terman mentions this characteristic in his definition of intelligence. He said, intelligence is the ability to think abstractly.

4. Help in relationship  :-
Intelligence helps us in determining the interrelationship between multiple objects or persons or ideas. When we have to choose a toy of a particular color from among ten different colored toys, the intellect helps us to analyze the colors. To determine which of the three boys is tall, who is short, and who is average, we take the help of intellectual associative thinking.

5. Aids in segregation and minimization:-
Segregation is the selection of relevant factors to the exclusion of irrelevant factors within a particular situation and minimization is the use of relevant factors to form a general formula. Intelligence plays a major role in both these mental processes. People with very low intelligence or low intelligence are unable to differentiate and trivialize.

6. Assistance in learning :-
Intelligence is particularly helpful in learning. One or those who are intelligent, they can more easily acquire etymology in educational subjects than the person of passive intelligence or little intelligence. Psychologists such as Buckingham, Colvin and so on have termed intelligence as a person's ability to learn.

7. Rapidity :-
Intelligence is a mental ability that helps to solve problems in the shortest possible time. This characteristic of intelligence is called rapidity. In fact, intelligent students in a class solve any problem faster than less intelligent students.

8. Assistance in Analyzing problems :- 
Intelligence helps us to analyze any problems. We generally take help of ascending and descending methods in judging or analyzing any problem. Both of these methods require intelligence in their application.

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