Relationship between education and intelligence.

by - February 18, 2024

Relationship between education and intelligence.

Influence of education in intelligence.

How education and intelligence related to each-other.

Relationship between education and intelligence.

Education is a lifelong process which helps the individual to acquire new experiences and adapt effectively to the changing environment and to fulfill various responsibilities in the society. Intelligence, on the other hand, is a holistic ability that enables a person to act purposefully, think rationally, and interact effectively with the environment.

There is a correlation between education and intelligence. In fact, education or educational instruction cannot be effective if the individual does not have intelligence. Now the question is how intelligence and pursuit of intelligence relate to education and various programs of education. There is a brief discussion on that.

1. Admission of school students:-
It is especially necessary to inquire about the intelligence of the students while admitting them to the school. Students are usually tested on their prior knowledge at the time of admission to the school. But along with acquired knowledge, intelligence should also be measured by formulating intelligence examinations. Incidentally, it may be mentioned that many times students have to get admission from one school to another school. At that time, even if the transfer certificate contains information about passing the class, the standard of education in different schools is not the same. So if you arrange admission after intelligence measurement then you don't have to face difficulties in future.

2. Departmentalization of students:-
Nowadays, in most schools, many students study in the same class. Even if they belong to the same class, they are not all of the same talent and intelligence. Moreover, it is also difficult to teach a large number of students simultaneously. So the students of the same class are divided into different sections like - A,B,C,D,E - etc. Intelligence should be one of the conditions in this segmentation. If there is a huge difference in intelligence or talent among students studying in the same class, it becomes very difficult to continue proper educational instructions.

3. In determining the boundaries of education:-
A certain limit can be drawn on the educational attainment of students on the basis of intelligence. Studies have shown –
(i) Those students with IQ between 50 - 70 stay in their first class for 10 - 11 years of schooling. If given more opportunities, some of them can pass up to class IV in 14-15 years.
(ii) Those with IQ between 70 - 90 can mostly form up to class V or VI.
(iii) Those with an IQ between 90 - 100 study up to graduation through practice, hard work and dedication.
(iv) Those with IQ above 110 study up to Master's degree if environmental ans social facilities are available.

4. Curriculum guidance:-
Different types of curriculum can be observed in the field of education. Like Arts, Science, Commerce - etc. Students should take courses according to intelligence. A student's future success should be determined by a measure of intelligence. In general, there is a close relationship between the education curriculum and the student's intelligence.

5. In the case of special education:-
Just as some students in every country are talented, some students are also less intelligent. By finding these students through the pursuit of intelligence, providing suitable education for them, the talented can play a helpful role in the overall well-being of the country. On the other hand, it is beneficial to the society if the backward or less intelligent people can be identified and special education provided to them. In general, the measurement of intelligence is especially important in special education.

6. In case of those unable to achieve expected results:-
Many students in our society, despite having suitable talent, do not get the expected results in the field of education due to various psychological reasons. By selecting these underachievers through intellectual pursuits, helping them solve problems, they especially benefit. The society and the country also get a chance to move on the path of progress.

7. Evaluation of teachers:-
The teacher plays an important role in any learning process. Intelligence tests are used in the evaluation of teachers. Many teachers provide appropriate support to students of average intelligence to reach the level of genius with the help of advanced learning. All those teachers are definitely worthy of praise.

8. Award of scholarship:-
Currently, many institutions provide scholarships to students. In awarding scholarships it is necessary to know about the student's aptitude as well as his intelligence. Currently, many institutions insist on considering the student's intelligence as a condition, among other conditions, in awarding scholarships among the students.

9. Diagnosis of mental illness:-
A relationship can be observed between the mental disorder of the person and his intelligence. In the treatment of mental disorders, psychiatrists measure the intelligence of the patient along with other behavioral analyses. Studies have shown that low intelligence is an important cause of mental disorders.

10. Participation in co-curricular activities:-
In determining the nature of the co-curricular activities that school students will take up, there is currently a trend of seeking intelligence.

11. Vocational guidance:-
In providing vocational guidance to the students, it is now being realized the need to be aware of their interests, skills, inclinations, special abilities etc. as well as intelligence. Previously psychologist Burt classified   vocational guidance in terms of intelligence.

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