Dramatization : How a Client Was Saved .

by - July 16, 2022

Dramatization : How a Client Was Saved . 

How a Client Was Saved - By M.K. Gandhi. 

H.S. English Project. 

[ Here is the project report on Dramatization of '' How a Client Was Saved '' . The original text was written by M.K. Gandhi. This project will help the students for their school projects. It will also help the artists to perform it as a play. ]

Dramatization : How a Client Was Saved . 

Characters : - 
1. M.K. Gandhi 
2. Parsi Rustomji - a middle aged , around fifty years old , Gujarati businessman. 
3. The Customs Officer 
4. Counsel
5. Attorney General . 


Stage - preparation :- normal lighting with two or three chairs and a table on the stage. 

[ Gandhiji is already sitting on a chair. Parsi Rustomji enters. ] 

Parsi Rustomji ( Looking very upset , tears rolling down his cheeks ) : Bhai , Bhai …….. I have deceived you . 

Gandhiji ( Surprised ) : What happened brother ? Does anything bother you ?  

Parsi Rustomji : Bhai , I have deceived you . My guilt has been discovered today. I have smuggled and I am doomed. I must go to jail and be ruined. You alone may be able to save me from this predicament. 

Gandhiji : Brother don’t go round and round. Tell me clearly the whole matter . 

 Parsi Rustomji : I have kept back nothing else from you , but I thought I ought not to bother you with such tricks of the trade , and so I never told you about this smuggling. But now, how much I repent it ! 

Gandhiji : To save or not to save you is in His hands . [ Indicating towards the sky i.e. God ] As to me you know my way. I can but try to save you by mean of confession .  

Parsi Rustomji : But is not my confession before you enough ? 

Gandhiji : [ Gently ] You have wronged not me but the government. How will the confession made before me avail you ?   

Parsi Rustomji : Of course I will do just your advice, but will you not consult with my old counsel ? He is a friend too . 

Gandhiji : Ok, let's look , what can I do for you. 

[ Stage is the same as the scene one. But this time the counsel is sitting on the chair. Gandhiji and Parsi Rustomji entered into the stage. ] 

Parsi Rustomji : Good morning counsel . 

Counsel : Oh, good morning Mr Rustomji . Please come . ( Looking at Gandhiji ) Oh my god ! Gandhji ! You are here ! I am honoured . 

Parsi Rustomji : I have already sent you all the documents related to my case . Have you gone through it ? 

Counsel : Yes , I have . But …………. 

Parsi Rustomji ( Confused and feared ) : But what ? 

Counsel : But the case is very critical . Inquiry revealed that smuggling had been going on for a long time, but the actual offence detected involved a trifling sum. 

Parsi Rustomji : ( Feared ) Now what will happen with my faith ? 

Counsel : The case will be tried by a jury, and a Natal jury will be the last to acquit an Indian , but I will not give up hope. 

Parsi Rustomji : Thank you , but I should like to be guided by Mr. Gandhiji’s advice in this case. He knows me intimately. Of course you will advise him whenever necessary. 

Counsel : As you wish. 

[  Then they shook hands and left the stage.] 


[ Gandhiji and Parsi Rustomji entered the stage.]  

Gandhiji : I don’t think this case should be taken to court at all . It rests with the Customs Officer to prosecute you or to let you go, and he in turn will have to be guided by the Attorney General. I am prepared to meet them both. 

Parsi Rustomji : What will you do now ? 

Gandhiji : I propose that you offer to pay the penalty they fix, and the odds are that they will be agreeable. But if they are not , then …………. 

Parsi Rustomji : Then what ? 

Gandhiji : [ A pause ] Then ………… you must be prepared to go to jail .

Parsi Rustomji : ( Agitated ) : But Bhai …………… please save me from all of these , please . 

Gandhiji : Look brother , I am of the opinion that the shame lies not so much in going to jail as in committing offence. ……..  The deed of shame has already been done. Imprisonment you should regard as a penance. The real penance lies in resolving never to smuggle again. 

Parsi Rustomji : ( A long pause ) : Well I have told you that I am entirely in your hands . You may do just as you like. 

[ Customs officer is sitting on the chair . Gandhiji entered the stage. ] 

Customs officer : Oh Mr. Gandhi , please come ……………. Please be seated. 

Gandhiji : I am here for the case of my old friend Mr. Parsi Rustomji . 

Customs officer : Yes , I know the case . But you know Mr. Gandhi , I like the old Parsi. I am sorry he has made a fool of himself. You know where my duty lies. I must be guided by the Attorney General . And so I would advise you to use all your persuasion with him . 

Gandhiji : I shall be thankful , if you do not insist on dragging him into court. 

Customs officer : Yes , I will try my best . But you should meet with the Attorney General . 

Gandhiji : Oh , Yes , I will . 


Gandhiji and Parsi Rustomji entered the stage. 

Parsi Rustomji : Bhai , have you already met with the Attorney General ? 

Gandhiji : Yes I have. 

Parsi Rustomji : What happened there ? 

Gandhiji : I am glad to say that he appreciated my complete frankness and was convinced that I had kept back nothing. Now the case against you is settled by a compromise. You have to pay a penalty equal to twice the amount you have confessed to having smuggled. 

Parsi Rustomji : Thank you , thank you Bhai , I will never engage with that kind of business in my life. I will write the whole facts and frame that and hang it up in my office to serve as a perpetual reminder to my heirs and fellow merchants. 

Gandhiji : You are a great fellow. 

Parsi Rustomji : What would be my fate if I deceived you ? 

[ Gandhiji smiled . Curtain slowly down .] 

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