November 2024 - Nandan Dutta

What is a good test? Write the characteristics of a good test.

November 27, 2024 / BY subhankar dutta
What is a good test? Write the characteristics of a good test.Features of a good test.What is a good test?Psychological and educational tests are a type of measurement technique with the help of which we measure the behavioral characteristics of an individual. Similarly, among such tests, we call those tests good tests; which have some selected qualities or characteristics and do not have...

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Importance and needs of evaluation in education.

November 27, 2024 / BY subhankar dutta
Importance and needs of evaluation in education.What are the importance and needs of evaluation in education?The usefulness of evaluation or the need for evaluation :-Importance and needs of evaluation in education?A very important part of educational management is evaluation. The role of evaluation in the field of education is very extensive. It is an integral part of the educational process. A student gradually...

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Different components of education. OR, Elements of education.

November 27, 2024 / BY subhankar dutta
Different components of education. OR, Elements of education.Discuss the different components of education.Interrelationship between the various components of education: -Different components / elements of education:-After extensive research and application in the field of education in modern times, educationists and researchers talk about four main components of education. These four components are not isolated from each other - they are interrelated. A complete systematic...

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Difference between compositional and impersonal assessment.

November 27, 2024 / BY subhankar dutta
Difference between compositional and impersonal assessment.Difference between compositional and impersonal assessment (objective assessment):-Difference between compositional and impersonal assessment.1. In the methodological aspect:- In compositional assessment, the teacher can easily measure the knowledge acquired by the student by selecting a few compositional questions from the subject. But for impersonal assessment, relatively many questions are required. It is laborious and time-consuming.2. In terms of independent thinking...

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Scope of education.

November 27, 2024 / BY subhankar dutta
Scope of education.Discuss the scope of education.Topics of education.Scope of education:-Education is a lifelong process. There has been a radical change in the ancient ideas about education. Now education does not mean textbook-based memorization. According to modern educationists, education is a process of overall development of the student's life which helps the student gain the desired experience and changes his behavior. There are...

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Principles of conducting co-curricular activities.

November 26, 2024 / BY subhankar dutta
Principles of conducting co-curricular activities.Principles of conducting co-curricular activities:-The principles that should be followed in conducting co-curricular activities in schools are -1. Principle of democracy:-Just as an individual accepts a scholarship of his own free will, students should be given enough freedom in choosing co-curricular activities in schools. A democratic environment in choosing co-curricular activities will attract students to specific co-curricular activities and...

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Educational importance of co-curricular activities.

November 25, 2024 / BY subhankar dutta
Educational importance of co-curricular activities.Importance of co-curricular activities in school education.Educational importance of co-curricular activities.1. Physical and mental development: -Co-curricular activities emphasize both physical and mental development. It is meaningless to develop only mental development without physical health and physical development. Therefore, co-curricular activities pave the way for physical development of the student. As a result, the student becomes capable of acquiring appropriate...

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Difference between curriculum and co-curricular activities.

November 24, 2024 / BY subhankar dutta
Difference between curriculum and co-curricular activities.Comparative discussion of curriculum and co-curricular activities.Difference between curriculum and co-curricular activities.1. Predetermined:-Every curriculum is predetermined. The curriculum is written by experienced people in a well-planned manner based on the age, ability, etc. of the students.But co-curricular activities may or may not be predetermined. For example, celebrating Rabindra Jayanti in a school is a predetermined co-curricular activity; but...

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Features of Vedic Education

November 24, 2024 / BY subhankar dutta
Features of Vedic Education : aim & objectives , curriculum , method etc. Characteristics of Vedic Brahmanic Education:-Features of Vedic Education :1. Aim of Education:-When discussing the aim of education in the Vedic era, the first thing to say is that the concept of education was developed in that era on the basis of the philosophy of education. Ignorance is bondage, knowledge is liberation...

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Taxila University - Institutional educational center of ancient India.

November 24, 2024 / BY subhankar dutta
Taxila University - Institutional educational center of ancient India.Write a short note on Taxila University.Taxila University.Although Taxila University started in the Brahmanical era, its stability can be seen till the Buddhist era. It can be said that this university created a link between both the eras. Some important aspects or features of this university are discussed below.1. Location:-It is said that King Bharat established...

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The streams of yoga:- The four streams of yoga: Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga.

November 23, 2024 / BY subhankar dutta
The streams of yoga:- The four streams of yoga: Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga.The streams of yoga:- The four streams of yoga: Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga.The human personality can be divided into four basic categories. Namely, active (Karma Yoga), mental (Bhakti Yoga), voluntary (Raja Yoga), and intuitive (Jnana Yoga). Patanjali clearly understood the fact that every...

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